BRAC AAW Group Income Generation Review and Strategic Support Case Study

Two women laughing

AAW were appointed by the development charity BRAC to help develop fundraising performance across Europe.

BRAC was founded in 1972 by Sir Fazle Hasan Abed in a small village in Bangladesh but has since grown into the largest Southern-led development organisation in the world, running successful programmes to tackle poverty that now reach 100 million people in 11 countries.

Working with colleagues in the UK office as well as offices in the Netherlands and in the head office Bangladesh, AAW were able to support the organisation strategically identifying multiple  opportunities for growth and development.

“AAW helped BRAC UK better define its fundraising strategy across Europe.  This exercise has provided much better clarity about our future fundraising direction and we have benefited a lot from their hugely practical expertise and experience in fundraising across lots of organisations over many years.  

Lewis Temple, Chief Executive BRAC UK

To find out more about how we can support any plans you have for fundraising reviews and strategy support, please contact


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