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Recognising the Benefits of Strategic Consultancy for Philanthropic Organisations

As we continue to explore the top trends in charity recruitment, we hope you enjoy these pieces of wisdom from our search team! Do get in touch if you’d like to find out more.

Every year around 5,000 new philanthropic organisations are created in the UK, unfortunately, around the same number close as well. This keeps the number of not-for-profit organisations static.

However, there are organisations that have seen impressive growth in recent years - what do these organisations generally have in common? It’s a successfully executed strategy. Creating and executing a strategy can be challenging without expert guidance, which is where strategic consultancy services come into play. 

There are countless benefits of strategic consultancy for non-profits, including support as you navigate complex challenges, maximise your resources, and optimise your impact. 

Keep reading and explore the key advantages of these services and how they can help your philanthropic organisation. 

Unbiased Perspective

No matter how professional, knowledgeable, and qualified you are, it's very hard to be unbiased when you work within an organisation. It can be very challenging to approach an issue or create a strategic plan without a personal agenda in mind. You may not even realise that your judgement is clouded.

By consulting with experts outside of your organisation, you bring in unbiased opinions. External consultants will have different perspectives and points of view on your organisation.

They will not be affected by internal politics and will be able to give you completely unbiased and constructive advice. They will only be looking at the performance metrics and effectiveness of each department and the overall organisational strategy. 

Expertise and Insight 

Another great benefit of strategic consultancy services is the knowledge and expertise that they bring. A team of experts will have experience working with diverse organisations. The information that they share with you will allow you to improve your plans and business strategies by utilising their learnings from other organisations. 

Consultants should also have insight about current and evolving trends and be able to suggest innovative approaches that will help increase your impact. You'll be able to broaden your perspective and be able to make informed decisions about your organisation moving forward.

Goal Alignment

Whilst you and the other leaders in the organisation may know what you want to accomplish, creating a plan that aligns with your goals can be very challenging.

Strategic consultants will help you make a plan that allows you to reach your objectives and brings your vision to life in the quickest and most effective way.

Through goal alignment, you'll be able to identify gaps in your plan and mitigate potential issues. You'll learn how to prioritise tasks and streamline your efforts, so that you can increase the effectiveness of your organisation. 

Performance Measurement and Evaluation

Non-profit organisations must frequently review their effectiveness to ensure they're spending donors money in the most efficient way possible and making the most impact. The good news is consultancy services will help you with performance measurement too. 

Consultants will generally work with key performance indicators (KPIs) that will track your organisation's progress and outcomes. They will also be able to identify relevant metrics that will also prove to be useful when it comes to gathering information. 

Their objective analysis and data interpretation will help you identify areas that you and your team can improve on. This will also enable you to make data-driven decisions which will improve your efforts and methods. 

Resource Optimisation 

Is your organisation struggling with limited resources? Well, you aren't the only one. Many non-profit organisations have the same issue. 

Knowing how to allocate the resources you have will increase the impact you can make. However, you may not know the best ways to optimise them. 

This is where a team of consultants can be helpful. They will analyse your financials and operations. Doing this will show them potential inefficiencies without your organisation. 

This information can then be used to streamline processes, enhance effectiveness, reduce costs, and increase scalability and sustainability. 

Partnerships and Collaboration

The charity sector may not seem big, but it's a large and extensive network. There are many connections to be made, which you can't do alone. 

Even your organisation as a whole may not have the partnerships and alliances that a team of consultants will have. 

The partnerships and collaborations that come from working with strategic consultants could prove to be valuable in the future through shared expertise, connections or even new resources. 

Time Saver

Whether you're the CEO, HR Director, or Fundraising Director, you have a lot on your plate. You have a lot of responsibility and you can't do everything alone. 

A great benefit of investing in strategic consultancy is saving time. Strategic planning is a huge task that can detract from the day to day running that's required, so outsourcing it will save you a great deal of time.  

The team will be able to take over tasks that you don't have the resources to complete yourself. They will know exactly what to look for and how to make an effective plan and get it implemented quickly. 

AAW's Strategic Consultancy 

So now you understand the benefits of working with strategic consultants, why not consider working with the AAW Group? Our consultancy services offer insight and strategic consulting support that will help you achieve a step change in performance. 

Covering fundraising, communications and digital strategy, as well as philanthropy feasibility and new market entry studies, we have brought our strategic approach to consulting projects with non-profits of all sizes, across multiple sectors, in over 50 countries.

Learn more about our services here and get in touch with us to find out more. 

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Discovering the Importance of Diversity in Leadership Roles

As we continue to explore the top trends in charity recruitment, we hope you enjoy these pieces of wisdom from our search team! Do get in touch if you’d like to find out more.

Did you know that England has more than 19 different nationalities represented in the population? With such a diverse population, understanding the benefits of diversity in your leadership roles is critical. How can you ensure your non-profit leaders are championing diversity and that you are doing all you can to build a diverse team? 

Read on to learn about the benefits of diversity in leadership for your non-profit organisation. 

Benefits of Diversity in Leadership

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) is used to describe three values that many organisations today strive to embody to help meet the needs of people from all walks of life. These three factors are paramount in ensuring that diversity is a part of your operation.

But what does diversity consist of? Many people believe that diversity lies in the nationality and ethnicity of a team. While this is one factor, there are many other things to consider.

When considering the diversity of your leadership team, think about:

  • Culture

  • Gender

  • Education levels

  • Disability status

  • Socioeconomic background

  • Cognition

  • Sexual orientation

  • Age

These qualities will give a full look at the diversity of your team. Diversity starts at the top, so remember to consider the profile of your board as well as your senior leadership team to ensure that everyone feels welcome at your organisation. 

Here are the three primary benefits of diversity in your leadership team and board. 

1. Better Employee Relationships

One of the greatest benefits of diversity amongst your leadership team is an improvement in your employee relationships. Employees are more likely to feel valued and represented if their demographic is part of the leadership team and this can lead to better employee retention. 

Employees will also feel that concerns related to their demographic are more likely to be addressed. In most cases, this is more than appearance. A diverse leader is more likely to address issues without needing pressure from employees to do so.

For example, a leader with mobility disabilities will notice issues in the workplace that affect mobility. They can relate to employees that deal with similar problems. As a result, these issues are often fixed much quicker than in a workplace with a leader that doesn't fully understand them.

2. Greater Skillsets

Another stellar benefit of diversity in leadership is a wider range of skill sets. Some skills are cultural or are emphasised more in one demographic than another.

One strong example is diversity in age groups. Your non-profit may benefit from a young leader because they can sometimes have stronger knowledge of technology and social media. However, older leaders may well bring a depth of experience that can really benefit the organisation, so a range of age groups is preferable. 

Think of the different skill sets that some demographics will have. Bring these diverse leaders in to improve your team. 

3. Improved Organisational Profile 

A third reason for having diversity among your non-profit leadership team is that a more diverse team will appeal to the public more than one that lacks representation. In the charity sector, factors like the diversity of your board and senior leadership teams can influence how likely donors are to engage with your organisation. 

Ways to Focus On Diversity

Now that we understand diversity more, how can you focus on the metric? Diversity doesn't happen by accident, and you'll need a concentrated strategy to ensure diversity.

Here are some of the many ways to encourage a more diverse workplace.

Hiring Process

Diversity starts in the hiring process. One of the best ways to encourage diversity is to seek it out while hiring.

That isn't to say that you should discard excellent leaders for not filling a diversity quota. However, you should pick your leaders carefully so that you aren't filling the board or your leadership team with leaders that are all of the same demographic.

Search for a range of ages, sexualities, genders, nationalities, and more. By doing so, you'll find countless fantastic candidates that fulfil your team's needs and help your non-profit to grow. 

Encourage Employee Feedback

Encouraging feedback from your employees is a good way to ensure diversity. By doing so, you can see where you're succeeding as well as where your diversity protocols are failing.

Having employees speak to you about their experiences will allow you to see what sections of diversity you're overlooking. They may warn you about a lack of representation, a board being tilted toward a certain demographic or more.

Diversity for All

When we think of diversity, we sometimes make the mistake of focusing on one demographic. Hiring a single LGBTQ+ leader or a manager of a different nationality is not the end of your efforts.

Do your best to encourage diversity for all walks of life, cultures, sexualities, and more. In doing so, you help your team flourish and make your non-profit a place where everyone is welcome.

Promoting Diversity in Leadership Roles

Ensuring that your leadership roles and board positions are filled with a diverse range of individuals will help your organisation to succeed by bringing a range of skill-sets, experience and backgrounds. There's also evidence from the corporate world that the most diverse companies are more likely to be more profitable than less diverse peers. 

So, do you need to think about your recruiting and broaden the diversity of your organisation? If so, why not get in touch with our recruitment team to see how we can help you.  

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Understanding Why Cultural Fit Is So Important When Recruiting Top Level Talent

As we continue to explore the top trends in charity recruitment, we hope you enjoy these pieces of wisdom from our search team! Do get in touch if you’d like to find out more.

35% of workers surveyed said that they would pass on the perfect job if they felt the company culture wasn't a good fit.

However, when thinking about recruitment within the not-for-profit sector, cultural fit is often overlooked. It's a crucial yet complex component of talent recruitment that weaves itself into the very fabric of an organisation. It affects every facet, from productivity and innovation to retention and overall morale.

Does your recruitment strategy adequately account for cultural fit? Hold on to that question as we explore why cultural fit is so pivotal in recruitment and how you can leverage it to your advantage.

Understanding Cultural Fit

When it comes to finding the right candidate for an executive role, one thing stands out: cultural fit. But what is it exactly?

Think about a puzzle - every piece is unique, but they all fit together to make one picture. Cultural fit is the same. It means a person's values, behaviour, and attitudes are in line with the way the organisation works.

It's not about everyone being the same. Rather, cultural fit is when each worker adds to the shared values and vision of the company. Just like a puzzle, every piece is different, yet together, they form a complete image.

Cultural Fit and Organisational Culture

Cultural fit and the culture within a not-for-profit go hand in hand. The culture is the heartbeat of the company. It affects how people work, their interactions, and how the organisation presents to the world. 

The Harvard Business Review reported that when staff feel they fit the company's culture, they are happier and go above and beyond. This fact shows the importance of cultural fit when recruiting. 

The Importance of Cultural Fit in Recruitment

Understanding what cultural fit is and how it links to an organisation's culture helps us to understand its role in recruitment.

First, when you hire people who align with your company's culture, your team will work better together. This is because shared values and understanding can lead to less conflict and more cooperation.

As a result, teams perform better. This makes cultural fit a top concern for senior leaders and staff involved in recruitment.

Second, cultural fit can help keep staff in the organisation. A recent study found that poor cultural fit can lead to half the staff leaving in the first 18 months.

However, staff who feel comfortable with the company's culture tend to stay longer. This reduces staff turnover and the costs linked to it.

Lastly, cultural fit can boost employee engagement. Engaged employees are more productive and dedicated and this creates a positive ripple effect across the company.

By recognising the power of cultural fit, not-for-profit organisations can strengthen their recruitment strategy. This leads to better team cohesion and results. 

The Challenges of Assessing Cultural Fit

While it's clear that cultural fit plays a crucial role in the recruitment strategy, accurately assessing it during the recruitment process isn't always easy. It goes beyond reviewing a candidate's qualifications and experience. You need to delve into their attitudes, values, and behavioural patterns.

The first hurdle lies in defining your organisation's culture. It's about more than just words on a page. It's about how those values and principles translate into everyday actions and behaviours.

Getting a clear and authentic grasp of your own culture is the first step toward evaluating how well a candidate aligns with it.

Another challenge is the risk of unconscious bias. There's a fine line between selecting candidates who match your organisational culture and those who merely reflect familiar backgrounds or interests. Such biases can compromise workforce diversity.

It's crucial, therefore, to provide thorough bias training for your recruitment team. You should also put in place objective measures for assessing cultural fit.

How AAW Group Incorporates Cultural Fit into Recruitment

Addressing these challenges requires a special blend of expertise and insight. That's where the AAW Group comes into play. With our wealth of experience in executive role recruitment for non-profits, we have honed our ability to evaluate cultural fit.

We recognise that cultural fit is not a one-size-fits-all concept. It's a unique blend of elements that varies from one organisation to another. We therefore take the time to understand each organisation's unique culture and ensure we can identify candidates who will thrive within it.

Our recruiting services extend beyond mere skill matching. We delve deeper, assessing each candidate's values, beliefs, and behaviours. This holistic approach allows us to provide you with candidates who match not only the skill requirements of the role but also the cultural needs of your organisation.

In this way, we ensure that the talent we bring to you isn't just top-level, but also the right fit for your unique culture.

The Future of Cultural Fit in Recruitment

As we move forward, cultural fit promises to become even more significant in the recruitment process. In an era where change is constant and the job market highly competitive, retaining top talent is more important than ever. Organisations that place a high priority on cultural fit in their recruitment strategies will be best placed to attract, engage, and retain the high-calibre senior leaders they need to succeed.

As workplaces become more diverse and inclusive, the concept of cultural fit is evolving. It's less about assimilation and more about creating a culture that embraces diversity and inclusion. One where everyone feels valued and included.

Assessing cultural fit in recruitment will therefore involve ensuring candidates are not only comfortable with the existing culture but also able to contribute to and enhance that culture. In this evolving landscape, the AAW Group remains committed to helping organisations navigate the complex process of recruitment and ensure cultural fit remains at the heart of our approach.

Secure Success with the Right Cultural Fit

In a world where talent is abundant, ensuring the right cultural fit can set your organisation apart. It's not merely about finding the right skills but aligning shared values, goals and practices to forge a productive and harmonious environment.

With expertise in recruiting services for not-for-profits, the AAW Group offers you the invaluable advantage of securing not just top talent but talent that truly fits. We invite you to reach out to us today and take the next crucial step in your recruitment strategy.

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How to Recruit Senior Managers to Your Organisation

As we continue to explore the top trends in charity recruitment, we hope you enjoy these pieces of wisdom from our search team! Do get in touch if you’d like to find out more.

As of March 2022, more than 170,000 charities were operating in England and Wales.

As you’ll know, a lot goes into running a not-for-profit organisation. Ultimately, an organisation will only achieve its goals if its employees have the skills, experience, and drive needed and this is particularly the case for senior managers. 

Finding the right talent can be difficult, especially when it comes to management positions. In this guide, we'll go over some key tips that can help you recruit the best senior managers for your organisation. Keep reading for more.

Know the Role Inside Out

When recruiting for any job, you need to know the role and responsibilities involved. This is even more important for senior positions.

Senior positions typically involve a more thorough recruitment process. You'll be looking at things more closely, so the more detail you know about the job, the easier it will be for you to specify ideal candidates.

You need to do this before you even create a job posting and start looking for candidates. You want to advertise the position effectively, and creating a precise and accurate job description will ensure that only people who are confident the role is right for them will apply.

If you fail to do this, you might get a lot of applicants who aren't suitable. This will only waste time. Some good candidates might also pass over the job if it's not clear what it involves.

Aim for Passive Candidates

In most cases, recruitment protocols involve looking for people who are actively searching for work. When looking at higher positions in organisations, however, there tend to be fewer people seeking new employment. This is because senior employees are often happy in the position they're already in, and because there are fewer of them!

Your recruiting strategies should vary depending on the level you're hiring for. If you're after someone for a senior manager role, you may well have more luck using passive recruiting.

One way you can do this is to look at similar roles within other organisations. A good strategy is to find experienced employees who could potentially be promoted to the role you have available.

When you find a potential candidate, you can approach them to find out if they'd be interested in a career move. Bear in mind that, while this is perfectly legal, some organisations look down on poaching employees, so you need to be discrete when doing this.

If someone is considering your offer, they'll want to think it over privately. Keep any communications private, ideally through their personal email rather than their current work email.

You should also look at the track record of candidates. If they have a proven history of success, they're likely to be a good choice. This can be especially beneficial if your organisation is currently facing challenges, as they may be able to provide a fresh perspective that can prove helpful.

Pay Attention to Culture

Culture is a huge part of any organisation and it needs to be monitored and worked on to ensure long-term success. When it comes to recruitment, it's also critical to consider your organisation's culture when looking at potential new hires. 

With more junior team members you typically want to hire people that align with your current culture. At more senior levels, however, you want to hire people that will guide and improve your company culture. The ideal candidate will fit the current culture well, but will also be able to introduce new values and show others what they mean.

Your charity consultants will also look to senior management for guidance in a range of ways. Having someone whose cultural values work well with your organisation will help guide the rest of your team.

Conversely, if you hire someone to a senior position and it turns out their values conflict with those of your organisation, it's likely to cause issues. They might stand in the way of you moving things in the direction you want to, and more junior employees could be influenced by them.

Think Long Term

Recruitment isn't always an easy process, especially for senior roles. It can take a long time, so you need to be patient. If you try to rush things, you might end up hiring someone who isn't suitable for the job.

Consider the long-term results of hiring someone. You might want a manager to start working quickly, but if they're not a good fit, things could fall apart after a while.

It's better to take the time to find someone that fits the role perfectly. This will give you the best chance of good long-term results, making it easier to ultimately meet your goals.

Consider Internal Promotion

This isn't something you should rely on, but it's always an option. You could already have suitable candidates at your company who are fit for a promotion. Not only can this make the recruitment process easier, but it's a great way to recognise team members who are performing well, and retain staff. 

You'll already be familiar with these employees, so you know if their personalities and values align with your organisation. You'll also know what their current role involves, and if that will translate well to the new position.

While this can be the perfect solution in some cases, you should still always also look externally. This way, you can evaluate the current marketplace and get a broader look at potential candidates, making it easier to find the best fit.

Finding the Right Senior Managers for Your Organisation

It may not be an easy task, but taking the time to find senior managers who fit in well with your organisation can be incredibly beneficial. Make sure you know exactly what you're looking for, and don't rush things. Consider all of the options available so you have the best chance of finding the ideal candidate.

AAW Group works with UK charities and not-for-profits to help them achieve their goals and get the results they're after. If your organisation needs assistance with consultancy or recruitment, our team can help. Take a look at our recruitment page to see how we can help you find the perfect senior managers for your organisation.

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Recognising the Top 5 Must-Have Qualities of a High-Performing Charity Consultant

There are around 166,000 charities in the UK that produce an annual turnover of close to £48 billion.

In this market, effective fundraising isn’t always easy, and sometimes bringing in some external expertise can help you to identify the best opportunities for your non-profit. Charity consultants can help non-profits to raise funds and reach strategic goals.

In this guide, we'll go over the top five must-have qualities that the best charity consultants should have - it’s not just about suitable training and qualifications, but also their skillset. Keep reading for more.

1. Creative Thinking

The market is saturated with fundraising campaigns and if your non-profit’s campaigns don’t stand out then you won’t be seen by potential donors. If you have a consultant who can set yours apart, your organisation will benefit.

A lack of creativity will make your organisation seem bland, and it will be more difficult to get the attention of donors. Regardless of how effective any other elements of your strategy are, your campaigns will only work effectively if potential donors are interested and a consultant who is able to adopt a creative approach can help with this. 

Sometimes, this can be as simple as making communications with donors more fun and interesting. Campaigns will also sometimes experience slumps and a creative thinker will often be able to come up with innovative solutions that can get things back on track. Taking different approaches now and then will provide freshness to your campaigns and help keep donors engaged.

2. Great Interpersonal Skills

If you’re looking to bring in an external consultant to work with your fundraising team, it’s important that they have great interpersonal skills to be able to work closely with your team. 

This can be quite a tricky skill to master. A consultant needs to be assertive and persuasive, but never pushy or aggressive. Effective spoken and written communication is vital, and being a good listener is also very helpful.

A good consultant will be able to listen and learn from the existing team and use this experience to determine the best approach for your non-profit. This is often associated more with face-to-face fundraising, but it's also vital for consultants as they need to interact with plenty of people and build relationships quickly to do their job effectively.

3. Perseverance

When hiring a charity consultant, you want to make sure you choose someone who doesn't give up easily. There are a lot of challenges that non-profit consultants face daily. To succeed, they need to be able to meet these challenges head-on.

You need a consultant that can take being rejected without letting it phase them. It's going to happen, so someone who can deal with it without becoming demotivated or disillusioned will be able to continue to get good results. The better someone is able to persevere, the easier time they'll have securing donors

It's often best to look for someone who is results-driven. Your campaigns need to have a positive impact, and setting goals will give your team something to work towards. A consultant who is good at keeping targets in mind and can push towards them will help your organisation achieve its goals.

4. Integrity

A job is a job, but non-profit organisations are different from other companies. Something that they all share is that they're trying to do good. As such, everyone working for a non-profit should share this sentiment.

A charity consultant needs to be passionate about what they do, and you need to know you can trust them to work with the best interests of the organisation in mind.

There are certain ethics and codes of conduct that go into fundraising. You can train anyone to understand what these are, but you want a consultant that will adhere to them consistently and share the same passion for the mission of your non-profit that you hold.

5. Adaptability

The non-profit sector is constantly changing. As such, everyone working for a non-profit organisation needs to be able to adapt quickly and efficiently.

When hiring a non-profit consultant, you should look for someone who you're confident won't have trouble dealing with adjustments. They need to be flexible and versatile so that they can continue to do their job even if they're faced with unforeseen challenges and need to pivot their approach.

Someone innovative and able to think critically will generally be good in this sense. Donors may behave unexpectedly, and situations might not play out as they usually do.

A good consultant will be able to handle such situations by adapting their typical approach to ensure things still work well. They'll also be able to see opportunities that most other people would miss, making it easier for them to improve your campaigns to get better results.

Getting the Most Out of Your Charity Consultants

It takes a lot of work to run a successful non-profit organisation, and skilled charity consultants can have a huge impact. You want to ensure that those who are spearheading your campaigns have the skills required to get things done correctly and effectively.

AAW Group works with various non-profits in the UK and globally to offer insight and strategic consulting support to drive a step change in performance. Take a look at our Strategic Consultancy page to see more about what we can do for your non-profit organisation.

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Understanding the Benefits of Hiring a Fundraising Consultancy

There are approximately 166,00 charities in the United Kingdom. These charities and non-profits play an essential role in making a positive difference within society whether that’s through preventing and relieving poverty or advancing important areas such as science, culture, and art.

Fundraising plays a critical role in the success and sustainability of nonprofit organizations. But, executing effective fundraising strategies can be a daunting task. It requires specialised knowledge and experience.

That is where a fundraising consultancy comes in. By hiring a fundraising consultancy, non-profits can tap into a wealth of expertise and support. In this blog post, we will highlight 7 benefits of hiring a fundraising consultancy. Let's get started.

1. Professional Experience

When it comes to fundraising, it helps to have professional support. Having access to professionals with expertise and extensive experience can make a world of difference.

These consultants are well-versed in the latest fundraising techniques, trends, and best practices. Here are the key aspects that make their involvement invaluable:

  • Specialised knowledge

  • Extensive experience

  • Fresh perspective

  • Tailored solutions

  • Proven strategies

  • Pitfall avoidance

On that last point, fundraising consultancies help organisations steer clear of common pitfalls. This maximises the efficiency and effectiveness of their campaigns.

2. Fundraising Strategies

Every charity or nonprofit is different. Each has its own unique goals, target audiences, and resource limitations.

A professional fundraising consultancy understands this and works to develop customised strategies. These strategies are tailored to an organisation's specific needs and objectives.

A professional fundraising consultancy can recommend fundraising techniques that align with a company's:

  • Mission

  • Vision

  • Values

They will ensure that a company's strategy is realistic, achievable, and aligned with its objectives. By customising fundraising strategies, consultancies enable organizations to maximise their impact.

3. Innovative Ideas

When a company works in isolation, it may become stuck in repetitive fundraising practices. Over time, these practices yield ever-diminishing returns. That is why so company charities and nonprofits turn to fundraise consultancies.

By engaging a fundraising consultancy, nonprofits can enjoy fresh perspectives and innovative ideas. A new viewpoint and new strategies can work to revitalise fundraising efforts. A new injection of creativity can lead to breakthroughs and help charities stand out.

Here at AAW Group, we have more than 7 years of experience with UK and international non-profits to draw on.

4. Donor Engagement

Building strong relationships is a crucial part of long-term fundraising success. This is a key part of a fundraising consultant's work.

They excel at creating effective donor engagement strategies. These strategies foster deeper connections and inspire ongoing support.

It is important for nonprofits to recognise and appreciate donors. This is true at every different giving level. Consultants help develop personalised plans to recognise donors at these different giving levels.

Fundraising consultancies help to guide donor acquisition. This helps you find supporters aligned with your mission. They also offer advice on donor retention and stewardship to foster ongoing support.

By improving donor engagement, consultancies expand your base and increase sustainable contributions.

5. Campaign Planning

Fundraising consultancies create effective, tailored strategies to connect with your target audience. They help to establish campaign goals and develop compelling narratives to capture donor attention. Some of the elements of campaign planning that a consultancy works on include:

  • Defining campaign objectives

  • Conducting situation analysis

  • Identifying target audience

  • Crafting the campaign strategy

  • Creating a fundraising budget

  • Implementation and monitoring

Channel selection is another important responsibility for a fundraising consultancy. They identify the most suitable channels and platforms to engage potential donors. For example, some of the various channels that a fundraising consultancy may use include:

  • Email marketing

  • Social media

  • Direct mail

  • Crowdfunding platforms

Ultimately, campaign planning serves as the backbone of successful fundraising efforts. This is why it is so important to partner with an experienced fundraising consultancy. 

6. Access to Networks

Another benefit of hiring a fundraising consultancy is gaining access to their networks within the philanthropic community. These networks can play a pivotal role in the success of a fundraising campaign.

These connections can help to foster relationships between nonprofits and potential funding sources. These networks may include:

  • Individuals

  • Corporations

  • Foundations

  • Government agencies

By tapping into these networks, the consultancy can help to expand the nonprofit's reach.

Additionally, consultancies may have access to a wide range of resources. This can include fundraising software, databases, and tools. These can help to streamline the fundraising process and enhance efficiency.

7. Cost-Effectiveness

Hiring a fundraising consultancy may involve an initial investment. But, it can ultimately lead to cost savings and improved financial performance. As such, partnering with a fundraising consulting firm is a cost-effective, long-term strategy.

For one, hiring a fundraising consultancy ensures expertise on demand. There is no need to hire full-time staff. This saves costs associated with salaries, benefits, and training.

By outsourcing fundraising events to a consultancy, companies can save on other costs. These include:

  • Office space

  • Equipment

  • Technology infrastructure

Because a fundraising consultancy understands industry best practices, wasteful practices are also eliminated.

Benefits of a Fundraising Consultancy

The bottom line is that hiring a fundraising consultancy is a smart and cost-effective choice for nonprofits. It allows them to access expert knowledge without hiring full-time staff. What's more, it helps to streamline processes and avoid costly mistakes.

With their help, charities can achieve sustainable financial success and make the most of their resources. In the UK, your premier choice for an experienced fundraising consultancy is AAW Strategy.

Contact our friendly team today to learn more. We look forward to speaking with you.

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Setting and Measuring Performance Goals of Newly Recruited Leaders

Explore these helpful insights and resources to ensure newly recruited leaders are on track to reaching your organisation's performance goals

As we continue to explore the top trends in charity recruitment, we hope you enjoy these pieces of wisdom from our search team! Do get in touch if you’d like to find out more

So, you've recently hired a candidate to fill a leadership position. What now? We think it’s pretty crucial to develop leaders at all levels, and 83% of employers say it's crucial to develop leaders at all levels. 

But how exactly do you do that? It can be hard to determine how to set and measure the performance goals of newly recruited leaders. After all, unlike entry-level employees, people in leadership positions already have years of experience and it might not be quite so simple to measure success.

In this guide, you'll learn about helpful insights and resources you can use to ensure newly recruited leaders are on track and aligned with your non-profit's goals. We break down corporate leadership, goal setting, key performance indicators, and more.

Performance Goals

First, it may be helpful to define what performance goals are. Performance goals are short-term targets or objectives that employees are expected to reach, to drive an organisation forward. Without these goals in place, an organisation doesn't have a clear path forward. For those in leadership positions, performance goals are crucial for measuring their impact.

Goal Setting

Of course, in order for your new leader to hit their performance goals, you need to begin by setting goals. After all, how are you supposed to measure their effectiveness if you don’t have clear goals laid out for them to work towards?

First Steps

There are many ways to go about goal setting for newly recruited leaders, but it's best to first think about their key roles, responsibilities, and day-to-day duties. From there, you can then zero in on the exact tasks that they will need to accomplish.  

Next, you'll want to figure out what their targets are. You'll want to set targets that are difficult to achieve, but not impossible. You want to motivate your leaders to succeed while also demanding a high level of performance. 

In order to measure your new leader’s performance, you will need to figure out what measures or key performance indicators you'll use. These will vary depending on the role you are managing, but may include things like costs, revenue, retention, acquisition, and employee retention and satisfaction.

Crucially, their goals should also fit in with the organisation’s wider strategy and goals.


Once you've defined all of the above, it's time to decide what your desired time frame is for achievement. Is it a year, two years, or six months? The time frame is completely up to you and your organisation's goals.

By setting specific time frames for goals, leaders are more empowered to determine what steps they need to take—and when—to achieve their goals. Then, once you've determined the time frame for goals, it's time to decide what takes priority.

Prioritisation is key because we know that leaders have demanding and varied roles and will be pulled in many directions. However, by prioritising goals, leaders can determine what activities need to take centre stage over others and ensure that the big picture isn’t forgotten amongst the demands of the day-to-day.

How to Measure Performance

So now that you’ve got some goals in place, it’s time to think about how you will measure the effectiveness of your new leader. Without measuring their performance, you have no way to determine how effectively (or not effectively) they are performing.

You’ll want to use quantitative data to track performance. This should include metrics focusing on their leadership skills, like employee turnover, employee engagement, and retention. For example, higher promotion rates or rates of employee satisfaction signal a job well done by leadership.

You’ll also need to incorporate metrics that relate to the performance of your non-profit. If you see improvement in any key KPIs after bringing on your new leader, then this could be a result of their performance, so you want to track those KPIs and the projects that your new leader is working on.

You’ll also want to put a process in place for gathering employee feedback. Since leaders will normally manage a team of employees, making sure that you are collecting feedback from these individuals is key to understanding how they are managing their team.

Finally, if you want to take performance to the next level and ensure that your new leader is off to an exceptional start, you might consider bringing in a third party like AAW Group to help you establish a strategy and KPIs for your new leader to work towards.


Leadership assessments are a great way for the organisation and the leader to evaluate their performance. A leadership assessment allows organisations to take a closer look at the leader's traits, characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and more.

By using these sorts of assessments, a leader can build out a profile for who they are as a leader, which can help them become more effective at what they do by identifying areas for improvement and promoting self-awareness – a key trait for leaders.

Get Help With Recruitment Today!

Hopefully, you now understand how to set and measure performance goals of newly recruited leaders. Remember that you need to perform goal setting to determine objectives before finding an effective way to measure performance. That way, you can also give credit where it's due and praise leaders when they achieve those goals.

Whether you’ve just recruited a new leader, or you’re thinking about recruitment - why not explore AAW Group's variety of services? As a global fundraising and strategy practice working with UK and international non-profits, we can help you recruit the right leader for your organisation through our three core services: executive search, shortlisting services, and interim management.

Not just that, but we can also support you with the development of organisational strategy to ensure you’re on the right track for a real step-change in performance.  

With clients such as St. John's Ambulance, The Royal Parks, and WWF (World Wildlife Fund), you can rest assured that you'll be in good hands with AAW! Get in touch with us here to find out how we can help.

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Recognising the Value of Recruiting an Interim Leader

As we continue to explore the top trends in charity recruitment, we hope you enjoy these pieces of wisdom from our search team! Do get in touch if you’d like to find out more.

77% of businesses across all industries report that leadership is lacking. This tells us that hiring leaders who can manage and inspire teams is challenging.

We know this only too well - finding and retaining good leadership is challenging for any organisation. However, it can be especially challenging in the non-profit sector with limited resources. This is especially true if someone in a leadership role leaves abruptly without a succession plan.

In this case, you might consider recruiting an interim leader. These individuals can bring their experience and skill set to your organisation and can also be helpful during a period of transition or uncertainty. So, let's examine how an interim leader could be invaluable for you.

What Is an Interim Leader?

In the non-profit world, an interim leader is someone who takes over from a departing leader, but only temporarily. Think of it like a substitute teacher who runs the show until a full-time teacher is hired.

It's just like that but for executive management. They're in charge of keeping things running until you find a new, permanent recruit. However, that doesn't mean their skills are less impactful or necessary.

Organisations and charities may also need interim leaders when undergoing changes like a merger or restructuring. They can help to navigate an organisation through periods of transition.

Interim Leader Job Roles

Ultimately, exactly what you can expect will depend on the interim leadership role you fill. However, they generally assume the responsibilities of an executive, such as a Director of Fundraising or CFO, and often step in during transition periods.

Their main goal is to maintain the organisation's stability and progress. Their primary tasks are ensuring:

  • The organisation doesn't suffer from any gaps in leadership

  • The team's workflow remains on track

  • The organisation’s mission is upheld

Interim leaders establish relationships with key stakeholders, donors, board members, and employees to do this, which keeps everything running smoothly.

This means these individuals must be skilled communicators and adaptable problem solvers. They must identify areas that need improvement and oversee the implementation of changes that will improve the organisation's operations. While doing all of this, they also have to ensure that staff morale remains positive.

Overall, an interim leader's role is to:

  • Provide a sense of stability

  • Keep everyone motivated

  • Ensure the organisation is moving in the right direction during a transitional phase

They should act as an integral part of your executive management team just as if they were a permanent employee.

Benefits of Hiring an Interim Leader

Most charity and non-profit organisation leaders understand the necessity of hiring an interim leader. You have to fill that role to continue day-to-day operations. However, there is a lot of value in temporary leaders, too.

Interim leaders come in with a wealth of experience, knowledge, and skills that they can share with the team to ensure the smooth running of the organisation.

With years of experience, the interim leader can:

  • Assess the team's abilities

  • Identify areas of improvement

  • Maintain and sometimes improve the organisation's operational efficiency

Here are a few other benefits of hiring an interim leader.

Reduce Hiring Pressure

Most hiring teams rush to fill the role when a non-profit or charity organisation finds itself without a leader. However, with an interim leader in situ, the team can focus on their day-to-day tasks without worrying about the leadership gap. 

It provides ample time and space for the recruiting team to search for the best candidate instead of rushing the process. Doing so helps to avoid compromising the organisation's performance or mission due to a lack of leadership. It gives them time to focus on finding the perfect fit instead of hastily filling the role.

Increase Morale

An interim leader can bring a fresh perspective to the team, inspiring innovative ideas and collaboration. They can also act as a mentor or coach, supporting team members during transition times and allowing individual team members to develop new skills and grow in their roles.

An impartial perspective can help to identify areas for improvement and maintain motivation levels. The team can stay focused on its mission with the interim leader's support. It's a win-win for everybody involved.

Seamless Transition

Hiring an interim leader for your non-profit organisation can help to make the leadership transition seamless. Usually, they can also make recommendations to the board when searching for a permanent leader, and once you find a permanent leader, they can help them get up to speed on your organisation's goals and mission.

Basically, they ensure continuity in leadership to ensure that you won’t experience significant disruption. Not only will this ensure that your organisation stays on track, but it can help with operational efficiency and employee moral too. 


Finally, hiring interim leadership can reduce expenditures in the long run and be a more cost-effective solution. By filling the leadership gap, you can avoid hiring someone out of necessity and making a costly mistake. One bad hire can cost your organisation time and money, negatively affecting your mission. 

Additionally, an interim leader ensures you're searching for a permanent candidate without undue pressure or burdening the hiring team.

All these factors translate to efficient use of resources. They also increase the chances of finding the right person for the role. After all, that should be your focus at the end of the day.

How to Hire an Interim Leader

Hopefully, you can now see the value of hiring an interim leader for your organisation, so the next step is to consider how to go about recruiting an interim leader. If your team is already stretched thin, then you may well need some help, and interim recruiting services like the AAW Group could well benefit you. 

Interim recruiting services are able to help your organisation by sourcing, assessing, hiring, and even in some cases onboarding top talent. These services help minimise the stress of leadership transitions by doing the leg work for you. They make it easy for your organisation to continue to thrive while saving costs and reducing hiring headaches. 

How We Can Help

Do you need a competent and experienced interim leader for your non-profit organisation? The AAW Group can help you find the perfect candidate without compromising quality. We have an extensive network of skilled professionals; whether you’re in need of an Executive Leader, Head of Function, or Senior Manager, we can help. 

Contact us today for our trustworthy interim management services.

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How Interim Recruitment Can Help Your Charity

Will interim recruitment work for your charity? What are the benefits of hiring interim managers/leaders? Learn more about interim recruitment in this guide.

As we continue to explore the top trends in charity recruitment we hope you enjoy these pieces of wisdom from our search team! Do get in touch if you’d like to find out more.

Did you know that in the UK, there are over 166,000 registered charities? With such a competitive landscape, it’s becoming harder to access the right talent. One solution which has been gaining traction is interim recruitment. 

In this article, we’ll explore the concept of interim recruitment and how it can help your charity to thrive. We’ll discuss the benefits of hiring interim managers, the process of identifying the right candidates, and how to get started with interim recruitment to ensure your charity's success.

Let's dive in and discover how this innovative approach can make a significant impact on your organisation.

The Concept of Interim Recruitment

Interim recruitment means hiring skilled professionals for a temporary period. These professionals come with a wealth of experience and expertise in their fields. They’re brought in to fill a gap in the organisation's leadership, usually during a time of change or when there is an urgent need for specific skills.

Interim recruitment is different from traditional recruitment because it focuses on short-term needs and provides a flexible solution for charities. Instead of hiring a full-time employee, organisations can bring in the right person for a specific job for a limited time.

The Purpose of Interim Recruitment

Interim recruitment can be particularly helpful in certain situations, such as:

Filling Temporary Gaps in Leadership

If your charity experiences the unexpected departure of a senior staff member, then interim recruitment can be a valuable way to fill the void until a permanent option is found. This ensures that you can continue to function effectively during the transition period.

Managing Change or Crisis

Interim managers can also be hired to help navigate periods of change, such as:

  • Restructuring

  • Mergers

  • Adapting to new regulations

Interim managers can be brought in during times of crisis because of their ability to provide stability and guidance when an organisation is facing challenges.

Delivering Specific Projects

Sometimes, a charity may need a professional with a particular skill set. Interim recruitment allows organisations to bring in a specialist for the duration of a project or initiative to ensure that it’s completed successfully and efficiently.

Preparing for Growth or Expansion

Planning to grow or expand your operations? An interim executive with experience in scaling organisations can provide valuable insight and provide support during the planning and implementation stages.

When Can Interim Recruitment be Beneficial?

Interim recruitment can be advantageous for charities in certain situations:

  • When a key team member leaves the organisation unexpectedly or goes on extended leave

  • During periods of organisational change or restructuring

  • When a charity faces financial challenges or needs to address funding gaps

  • To help implement new initiatives or technology systems

  • When a charity is expanding its operations or entering new markets

Why are Interim Managers so Valuable in the Charity Sector?

Interim managers can be an ideal choice for organisations facing challenges or needing expert guidance and offer several benefits specifically to charities:

Experience and Expertise

Interim professionals come with years of experience in their fields and may well have worked in various industries and organisations. 

This background allows them to bring fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to the table, which can help charities to navigate complex situations with ease.

Speed and Efficiency

Temporary managers are used to working in short-term positions. This means they are good at quickly learning how an organisation works and making a positive difference in a short amount of time. This is helpful when a charity has urgent issues or needs to make changes quickly.

Objective Viewpoint

As outsiders, interim professionals are not influenced by internal politics or personal relationships. This allows them to make unbiased decisions and recommendations that are in the best interest of the organisation.

Flexible Resource

Interim managers can be hired for a specific duration or on a project basis. This gives charities the flexibility to bring in the right people when they need them without having to commit to a long-term contract.

Executive Search and Interim Recruitment

Executive search is all about finding the best person to fill a senior job with the expectation that they will stay there for a long time. On the other hand, interim recruitment is about finding someone who can do an important job for a short time.

Both approaches have their benefits. But interim recruitment is especially helpful for charities that need help right away or have a specific challenge at hand.

In the charity sector, organisations need to find someone who has the right skills and experience, and someone who cares about the charity's mission and values. Therefore, executive search can be a lengthy process that requires identifying and evaluating candidates that meet these criteria.

On the other hand, interim recruitment allows charities to quickly bring in an experienced professional to address immediate needs or tackle a specific project. 

This can be particularly useful during periods of uncertainty, change, or crisis. This is especially true when the organisation cannot afford to wait for the perfect long-term candidate.

Interim recruitment can also serve as an effective way to test a candidate's fit before committing to a full-time position. In some cases, a successful interim engagement may lead to a permanent role for the professional. This has the added benefit of offering a seamless transition for the charity.

Advantages of Interim Recruitment for Charities

Interim recruitment offers many benefits for charities, making it a great choice when you need help. Here are some of the main advantages of interim recruitment:

Agility and Flexibility with Interim Leadership

One of the main benefits of interim recruitment is the agility and flexibility it provides. Charities often face unexpected changes or challenges that require quick action. Interim leadership can help in these situations.

Quick Adaptation to Organisational Changes

Interim managers can join a charity quickly and start making a difference right away. They're used to adapting to new environments and can help charities navigate through changes like new regulations or funding shifts.

Filling Temporary Gaps in Leadership

Sometimes, a charity might lose a leader suddenly, or they may need to take a leave of absence. In these cases, interim recruitment can help fill the gap. An interim leader can step in and keep the charity running smoothly until a permanent replacement is found.

Expertise and Experience in Charity Recruitment

Interim recruitment can bring in professionals with valuable expertise and experience. These skilled individuals can help a charity tackle challenges and find new ways to grow.

Bringing in Specific Skill Sets and Knowledge

Interim managers often have specialised skills and knowledge that a charity might need for a specific project or goal. For example, they might have expertise in fundraising, marketing, or technology. By bringing in someone with the right skills, a charity can make sure they have the support they need to succeed.

Fresh Perspective and Innovative Solutions

Because interim managers have worked with many different organisations, they can bring new ideas and insights to a team. Their fresh perspective can bring creative ways to solve problems and improve operations.

Cost-effectiveness of Interim Recruitment

Interim recruitment can also be a cost-effective choice for charities. By hiring professionals on a temporary basis, charities can save money and still get the help they need.

Short-term Commitment

When a charity hires an interim manager, they are only committing to a short-term contract. This means they don't have to worry about paying for a full-time employee, which can be expensive. Instead, they can focus on getting the support they need for the time they need it.

Reduced Employee Overhead Costs

Hiring a full-time employee can come with many extra costs. These can include:

  • Benefits

  • Insurance

  • Office space

With interim recruitment, charities can avoid these costs because they're only hiring someone for a limited time.

How These Advantages Impact a Charity's Success

The benefits of interim recruitment can have a significant impact on the overall success of your charity. Let's explore how these advantages can lead to positive outcomes for your organisation.


Interim managers bring flexibility to your charity, allowing you to adapt to changing circumstances and tackle new challenges with ease. This can help your organisation navigate through periods of growth or transition ensuring that you continue to make progress towards your goals.


The specialised skills and expertise of interim managers can help your charity address specific issues or projects more effectively. By bringing in someone with the right knowledge and experience, your organisation can:

  • Make better decisions

  • Implement new strategies

  • Achieve better results


Since interim managers are hired for a specific period, they can be a cost-effective solution for your charity. You can allocate funds more efficiently, focusing on the projects and initiatives that matter most without the long-term financial commitment of a permanent employee.

Quick Results

Interim managers are known for their ability to deliver results quickly. They're used to working in fast-paced environments and can hit the ground running as soon as they join your organisation. 

This means that you can start seeing positive changes and progress sooner -  crucial when trying to maintain momentum and achieve your charity's objectives.

Fresh Perspective

Lastly, an interim manager can bring a fresh perspective to your charity. They can offer new ideas, innovative solutions, and fresh insights. This can help your organisation break through barriers and reach new levels of success.

How to Identify the Right Interim Candidates for Your Charity

Finding the right interim candidate for your charity is clearly key. In this section, we'll discuss how to identify the best interim managers for your charity and tips for successful recruitment.

Key Skills and Qualities to Look for in Interim Management

When looking for the right interim candidate, there are several skills and qualities that you should consider. These include:

Experience and Expertise

Look for candidates with a strong background in the areas your charity needs help with, for example, perhaps you are missing expertise in fundraising, marketing, finance, or technology. A candidate with relevant experience will be more likely to understand the challenges your charity is facing and provide valuable guidance.

Problem-solving Skills

Interim managers often need to address complex issues and find creative solutions. A good candidate should be able to think critically and come up with innovative ideas to help your charity succeed.


Interim managers need to be able to adapt quickly to new situations and environments. Look for candidates who have experience working in different organisations and can adjust to new challenges with ease.

Leadership and Communication

Strong leadership and communication skills are essential for interim managers. They should be able to:

  • Lead your team

  • Communicate effectively with staff and stakeholders

  • Inspire others to work towards your charity's goals


The best interim managers are focused on achieving results for your charity. Look for candidates who have a track record of success in their previous roles and are motivated to help your organisation grow.

Assessing Cultural Fit and Alignment with Your Charity's Values

In addition to skills and experience, it is important to find an interim manager who fits well with your charity's culture and values. This will help ensure that the candidate can work effectively with your team and contribute to the overall success of your organisation. To assess cultural fit, consider the following:

Shared Values

Look for candidates who share your charity's core values and mission. This will help ensure that they are committed to the success of your organisation and can make decisions that align with your goals.

Teamwork and Collaboration

Interim managers need to work well with your existing team. Look for candidates who have a history of successful collaboration and can build strong relationships with your team.

Communication Style

Consider how the candidate communicates and whether their style will fit well with your charity's culture. Some organisations might prefer a more formal communication style whereas others might value a more casual approach- you’ll know what will work best for your organisation.

Work Ethic and Approach

Think about the candidate's work style and how it will fit with your organisation. 

Are they detail-oriented, or do they take a more big-picture approach? Do they work well under pressure, or do they need a more relaxed environment? Understanding these factors can help you find the right fit for your charity.

Tips for a Successful Interim Recruitment Process

To make sure you find the best interim manager for your charity, follow these tips for a successful recruitment process:

Plan Ahead

Identify the specific needs and goals of your organisation before starting the recruitment process. This will help you find a candidate with the right skills and experience to address the challenges you are facing.

Partner with a Specialised Recruitment Agency

Working with an agency that specialises in interim recruitment can help you find the best candidates for your charity. Agencies like the AAW Group have access to a large pool of skilled professionals and can match you with the right person for your needs.

Be Clear About Expectations

Make sure candidates understand the scope of the role, the duration of the contract, and the goals they are expected to achieve. This will help you find a candidate who is committed to the success of your charity and can deliver results within the given timeframe.

Conduct Thorough Interviews

During the interview process, ask questions that will help you assess the candidate's skills, experience, and cultural fit. As a starting point, this might include asking about:

  • Their previous work in the charity sector

  • Their problem-solving abilities

  • How they have managed teams in the past

Check References

Contact the candidate's previous employers or colleagues to get a better understanding of their work style, achievements, and ability to fit within your organisation. References and recommendations can provide valuable insights into their potential for success in an interim role with your charity.

Provide a Thorough Onboarding Process

Once you've selected the right interim manager, ensure a smooth transition by providing a comprehensive onboarding process. This should include an introduction to your charity's mission, values, and goals, as well as a clear outline of the responsibilities and expectations for the role. 

This should help the interim manager get up to speed quickly and start making a positive impact on your organisation ASAP!

How to Get Started with Interim Recruitment

If you think interim recruitment could benefit your charity, it's important to know how to get started with the process. In this section, we'll discuss the steps you need to take to begin your search for the perfect interim candidate.

Define Your Needs and Goals

Before starting the interim recruitment process, it's important to define your charity's needs and goals. This will help you identify the type of interim manager you need and the specific skills and experience they should have.

Consider the following questions:

  • What are the main challenges or projects that the interim manager will need to address?

  • What skills and expertise are required to successfully tackle these challenges?

  • How long do you expect the interim manager to work with your charity?

  • What are the specific goals or outcomes you want the interim manager to achieve?

By answering these questions, you can create a clear job description and set realistic expectations for the interim manager's role within your charity.

Choose a Recruitment Agency Specialising in Interim Management

Working with a recruitment agency that specialises in interim management can greatly improve your chances of finding the right candidate for your charity. These agencies have access to a large pool of skilled professionals and can help match you with the best candidate for your needs.

When choosing a recruitment agency, consider the following:

Experience in the Charity Sector

Look for an agency with a strong track record in placing interim managers within the charity sector. This will ensure they understand the unique challenges and needs of the sector.

Specialisation in Interim Recruitment

Choose an agency that focuses specifically on interim recruitment. They will have a better understanding of the skills and qualities that an interim manager should bring to your organisation.

Reputation and References

Ask for references from other charities that have worked with the agency. This will give you a better understanding of their success rate and the quality of the candidates they provide.

Ensure the Right Fit

When choosing a recruitment agency to help you find the perfect interim manager for your charity, it's important to ask the right questions. Here are some key questions to ask your recruitment agency to ensure they are the right fit for your organisation:

  • What is your experience in the charity sector?

  • Do you specialise in interim recruitment?

  • Can you provide references from other charities you have worked with?

  • How do you source and screen candidates for interim management roles?

  • What is your success rate in placing interim managers in the charity sector?

  • How do you ensure a good fit between the interim manager and our organisation's culture?

  • What support do you provide during the onboarding process of an interim manager?

  • How do you handle any issues or challenges that may arise during the interim manager's placement?

  • What are your fees and payment terms for interim recruitment services?

  • How do you stay updated on industry trends and changes that might impact interim management in the charity sector?

Prepare Your Organisation for the Interim Manager's Arrival

Once you've chosen a recruitment agency and defined your needs, it's time to prepare your organisation for the interim manager's arrival. This will ensure a smooth transition and help the interim manager get up to speed quickly. To prepare your charity, consider the following steps:

Inform Your Staff

Communicate with your staff about the interim manager's role, their responsibilities, and the goals they are expected to achieve. This will help your team understand the purpose of the interim manager and ensure they're ready to work together.

Assign a Point of Contact

Designate a member of your team to act as the main point of contact for the interim manager. This person should:

  • Help the interim manager get settled

  • Answer any questions they may have

  • Provide support throughout their time with your charity

Prepare Necessary Resources

Make sure the interim manager has access to the resources they will need to succeed in their role. This could include office space, equipment, and access to important documents or systems.

Plan an Onboarding Process

Develop an onboarding process to help the interim manager get up to speed quickly. This could include an introduction to your charity's mission, values, and goals. Along with a detailed overview of their responsibilities and expectations.

Hire an Interim Manager Today!

As you can see, interim recruitment offers a strategic solution for charities looking to address immediate needs, drive projects, or navigate through periods of change. By understanding the benefits, identifying the right candidates, and following best practices, your charity can maximise the potential of interim management. 

If your organisation is in need of interim support, then why not contact the AAW Group? As a specialist executive search agency working directly with the charity sector, we’re always keen to help. We have a strong network of interim directors and specialists who are available immediately to support your urgent needs.

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Sourcing Top Talent- A Guide for Non-Profits.

As we continue to explore the top trends in charity recruitment we hope you enjoy these pieces of wisdom from our search team! Do get in touch if you’d like to find out more. 

If your current hiring plan is less optimised than you want, consider partnering with a specialist in executive search for charities.

Are you in charge of executive recruitment at a non-profit or charity organisation? It’s a tough job, we know. Recent studies show that over a quarter of non-profits polled had unfilled job openings for nearly 30% of their organisation’s vacant jobs.

In short, sourcing top talent can be difficult. It requires knowledge of the industry and the job market, and there are unique challenges when it comes to sourcing professionals for non-profits.

Don’t worry, though. At the AAW Group, we’re experts on UK executive search for non-profits and charities. We’ve used our years of expertise to craft this guide full of tips and strategies to make your job easier when recruiting executives into your team. 

Let's begin by exploring why it pays off to bring on board experienced people who are efficient, capable leaders. After all, having the right executive on your team is essential for future growth!

Why Non-Profit Talent Quit

We're about to dive into why having highly qualified talent in your non-profit’s leadership positions is so important. However, it’s helpful to know why these types of candidates quit. It's part of understanding how you can work to retain top talent once you find them.

According to a recent Forbes survey about The Great Resignation that began last year, the biggest reason why non-profit employees left their jobs was that they found better opportunities.

However, more interesting was the fact that 44% of employees said they felt they were on an invisible career path. They felt there was no more room for professional growth or career advancement. Another 35% were disengaged with their workplace culture.

Understanding this can help you while you’re recruiting. Firstly, it can help if you address those common concerns during the interview process. It can also help to consider these points when you’re creating job positions and descriptions. 

The Importance of Experienced Non-Profit Talent

Having qualified talent in leadership positions within a non-profit organisation is essential for greater success. Qualified executives have the experience and ability to make changes that take your charity to the next level. 

They have many qualities, for example: 

  • Problem-solving

  • Communication

  • Motivation

  • Leadership

  • Management skills

Why is this so important? And what are we talking about when we use the term “highly qualified” in this context? 

Highly qualified executives have a range of skills that are vital for your organisation. Firstly, they can manage a team of professionals who share their passion and commitment to the cause. 

They also understand how to allocate resources and funds effectively and critically, they understand the legal requirements for fundraising or dealing with finances or investments. 

Qualified executives also have a clear knowledge of how charitable organisations are run. This oversight allows them to create effective strategies that target both current needs and long-term goals. 

Ultimately, having qualified talent in leadership positions within a non-profit organisation is vital for its success. These experienced individuals bring about tangible changes through the following:

  • Smart decision-making

  • Effective resource allocation

  • Proactive stakeholder engagement

If you’re unsure what that looks like, check out these two great examples.

Example of a Great Board Member

An ideal non-profit board member should be passionate and highly motivated to succeed in the organisation's mission. They should have the necessary expertise and experience appropriate for their role to support the charity. This could include financial acumen for a finance officer or organisational abilities for a secretary.

Ideally, they should also have extensive knowledge and insight about fundraising, communication strategies, and other crucial areas for furthering the cause. Finally, a great board member would also have a range of relevant contacts that would be helpful for the organisation. 

Example of a Great Executive Manager

An excellent executive manager is a leader who possesses a strong vision and drive. They are passionate and committed to their cause, and they inspire team members to carry out the non-profit's values. 

Their exact skillset will vary depending on their role, but it’s likely that they will possess exceptional managerial skills, such as being able to coordinate staff, create strategies, make decisions, and handle difficult situations. Moreover, they may well have experience in financial planning, fundraising, and long-term goal-setting. 

Above all, they are great communicators who can connect with different people from all walks of life.

What Is the Executive Search Process Like for Non-Profits?

Perhaps you already know what kind of candidate you’re looking for, and you simply have trouble finding someone who ticks all the boxes. If this is the case, perhaps your candidate search and selection process isn’t quite right. 

We can offer you insight and help (which we’ll get onto later), but here is a general overview of what the executive search process looks like. This should help you get a basic idea of what goes into finding a great candidate so that you can craft a great hiring plan.

Create Position & Job Description

Creating a job position for a charity leadership role is an important step in finding the right candidate for the organisation. It is essential to define the desired skillset and qualities that you’re looking for. In the job description, you should specify: 

  • The level of the role 

  • The expected responsibilities

  • Any required qualifications. 

For example, let's say the goal is to replace your Chief Executive who is leaving the organisation. In this case, you'd want a senior manager with budgeting experience and an understanding of organisational structure. Additionally, making sure that prospective candidates have relevant experience in the non-profit sector will be invaluable. 

Ultimately, defining these parameters before you start recruiting will help to ensure that you only consider those who are qualified for the role. 

Outline the Ideal Candidate

Outlining the ideal candidate for a non-profit leadership role provides clarity on the qualities and experience required and enables a search firm to source candidates accurately. It ensures that you choose the right person.

This process requires you to consider characteristics like:

  • Technical knowledge

  • Cultural fit

  • Record of past successes

In most cases, it’s okay to start with a long list of ideal traits. Feel free to construct the “perfect” candidate in your head.

Then, while working with a search firm, you can slowly whittle that down. Group traits into “must haves” and “nice to haves.” You’ll likely discover the most important factors for you and your team during the process. The search firm can help you understand when you’re being too picky and when requiring certain candidate attributes is okay.

Ultimately, outlining the perfect candidate will help you find an individual who can help you to achieve the organisation’s mission. 

Appoint a Search Committee

A search committee will usually be responsible for interfacing with search firms to find and screen potential candidates. They do so while ensuring stakeholders receive representation (e.g. board and executive directors). This helps to ensure that you’re considering all perspectives when selecting the right person for the job. 

A search committee will also use its expertise to vet candidates thoroughly. They’ll conduct due diligence every step of the way on the potential candidates. 

It’s helpful to have a solid point of contact (or a few) from your organisation just to ensure the search firm has someone to consult with. Executive search firms can also play this role. 

Outline Selection Criteria

In most situations, the board of directors or executive team will make the final choice. However, other members of an organisation may be involved in the process. 

The exact criteria will depend on the role, but it should include both hard and soft skills, such as:

  • Finance

  • Fundraising

  • Programme management

  • Leadership experience

  • Communication skills

  • Interpersonal abilities

Additionally, candidates should have competencies specific to your organisation’s goals and objectives. 

A search firm can help you iron out the details. However, going into the process, you should have a clear idea of what a successful candidate looks like. Having a list of “must haves” can help you know when you’ve found your successful candidate. 

Set Deadlines & Budgets

Deadlines give the hiring process structure and urgency. This allows an organisation to make a quick decision while still considering the best candidate. A hiring budget ensures the organisation can afford the salary needed to attract qualified candidates. 

Establishing both a timeline and financial limits helps organisations make informed decisions that align with their goals and mission. This makes the entire search process easier and in most cases, it’s also more cost-effective for you and your team.

What is an Executive Search Firm?

An executive search firm is a professional recruitment service that specialises in recruiting and hiring executives. In our case, for example, we specialise in hiring for non-profit organisations

Non-profit boards of directors hire them to help them find, assess, and place qualified candidates into executive positions. Executive search firms have expertise in interviewing and assessing candidates based on the specific needs of the organisation they represent.

During the interview process, these firms provide valuable advice to non-profits by helping with the following: 

  • Crafting job descriptions

  • Developing recruitment strategies

  • Conducting market research

  • Guiding presentation techniques

In addition to working in a consultative capacity, executive search firms also provide access to talented candidates through advertising, networking events, social media platforms, and referrals from their networks.

Executive search firms can assist non-profits with candidate assessment and selection processes such as psychological testing and background checks. Furthermore, they can sometimes negotiate hiring bonuses or other forms of compensation that may be needed to attract top talent.  

The bottom line? We help provide critical oversight throughout the hiring process until you secure a successful candidate.

Benefits of Using an Executive Search Firm

We briefly mentioned a few benefits above, but if you’re not sold on how a search firm can help improve and optimise your candidate search, here are three main benefits of using a search firm to help you find suitable candidates.

Talent Network

The team at the firm typically has access to an extensive network of talent that is not available through traditional searches. This innovative approach allows nonprofits to identify potential candidates who have the right skill set for their organisation’s specific goals and needs. 

Additionally, executive search firms often have resources that allow them to conduct in-depth background checks on potential candidates, which helps nonprofits make informed hiring decisions. 

Moreover, since executive search firms are experienced in recruiting top talent, they’re able to offer useful advice and guidance throughout the hiring process. This means that non-profits are able to make better-informed decisions about who to bring on board as part of their leadership team.


Using an executive search firm to hire leadership roles for a charity is beneficial because such firms possess specialised knowledge and expertise in the hiring process

For example, at the AAW Group, our team has a wealth of experience in the charity sector. They not only bring an understanding of the unique challenges that non-profits face, but they bring first-hand experience working in leadership roles with charities.

This means that we know the skills and qualities needed to lead a successful organisation, and we can help you find someone best suited for those roles.  


Executive search firms specialise in sourcing and recruiting top talent, meaning that they can access a large pool of candidates with specific skill sets and backgrounds to suit the organisation’s requirements. 

They are experienced in conducting detailed job searches and can easily identify the right candidate while also minimising the time spent by an employer on recruitment processes. 

Furthermore, executive search firms often use sophisticated applicant tracking systems (ATS), which streamlines all stages of recruitment, from screening resumes to interviewing candidates.

In summary, using an executive search firm provides organisations like yours with access to advanced hiring technologies, industry experts and experienced recruiters who can identify the right candidate quickly, saving time and money in the long term.

Executive Search Services

Ready to explore our executive search firm services? While we strive to tailor the hiring process to your needs, our main services for sourcing top talent typically fall into one of the following three categories.

Executive Search

Are you trying to fill roles that have been difficult to fill in the past? Are you searching for C-suite and trustee appointments? Our fully managed executive search service gives you complete peace of mind in these situations.

We will shape and deliver a hiring plan guaranteed to produce a successful outcome. We do so with our:

  • Expert guidance

  • Technical expertise in search

  • Charity leadership network

From the very beginning, we will be with you every step of the way. This starts with candidate profile creation and leads all the way to the candidate being hired. 

We understand the importance of finding the right candidate for every role. Our highly regarded AAW Assessment Process, led by none other than Mark Astarita OBE himself, ensures that each shortlisted candidate is fully vetted and ready for appointment.

Our track record speaks for itself; we rarely fail to fill roles the first time around. But in the unlikely event that we do, we won't leave you out to dry. We'll continue to support you until we've helped you achieve the successful outcome you're looking for.

Shortlisting Services

Candidate shortlisting is the process of selecting a limited number of top candidates for a job position from a pool of applicants. We do this using specific criteria and screening methods which could involve resume and cover letter reviews, online assessments and initial interviews. 

This benefits organisations by saving time and resources as only qualified candidates receive an invitation for in-person interviews. This helps identify the most suitable person for the job and it reduces wasted time on your end. Forget about sifting through long lists of unqualified candidates.

Our search team is the best in the business. Combined with the unique networks of our founders, Tobin, Mark and Imogen, we provide an unbeatable service. We specialise in exclusively commissioning heads of function roles and senior managers for our clients. 

Our advisors have a wealth of experience and expertise. This gives them unparalleled access to highly sought-after shortlists. This rare combination means that our success rate is high. We rarely fail to find the right candidate for the job. 

Our team has a knack for finding precisely what our clients need. This is true whether that’s an individual with a specific skill set or someone who can bring something different to their organisation. 

We understand that selecting the right person is key to successful recruitment. So, we take great care to identify individuals who have just the right balance of qualities and fit perfectly within your company culture.

Interim Management

Interim management services are temporary management positions. They're positions you need to fill with experienced professionals who can lead an organisation during a period of transition or change. 

This could be due to factors such as the following:

  • A sudden resignation

  • Mergers

  • Acquisitions

  • Restructuring

It is beneficial to organisations as it provides immediate access to high-level talent, cost-effective solutions, and the necessary expertise to implement strategic plans effectively.

At the AAW Group, our network of interim directors and specialists is quick to respond. We are often able to provide a shortlist of candidates within 48 hours. 

Whether it's a gap that needs filling due to sudden departures, or the need for an expert eye on a special project, our team is ready to hit the ground running. We are experts in contracting processes. We know how to handle all aspects of hiring the right candidates, and we can do so quickly and efficiently.

Our comprehensive service also provides businesses with peace of mind as every specialist has been vetted for relevant experience, qualifications and skillsets so you can feel confident in your decision. 

How It Works

The executive search process looks different from one company to the next. This means it’s important to familiarise yourself with the process depending on the company you work with. However, at AAW Group, the process looks a little something like this.

By having an experienced recruitment professional discuss each role in detail, we are able to create a comprehensive profile of the ideal candidate. This starts shortly after you contact us about your hiring needs.

We gain insight into the qualities, experience and skills that you are looking for to ensure your next hire is well-suited to your team. Our UK search firm has built up a wealth of knowledge and contacts over many years, allowing us to pair you with the best possible person for the job. 

We will begin by connecting with you via phone or email. We'll discuss all the necessary details. Our team then gets to work on narrowing down an impressive list of potential candidates. With our guidance and expertise, you'll have access to top talent with speed and accuracy so that your organisation can move forward quickly.

Work with AAW Group

Are you ready to make the most of executive search services? We're ready to help you start sourcing top talent. At the AAW Group, we are ambitious, collaborative, curious, and passionate. Our team has the experience and connections to help you fill non-profit leadership roles.

To learn more about us or our services, get in touch here.

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AAW How To Series Freya Tringham AAW How To Series Freya Tringham

Effective Interim Management for Charities – A Comprehensive Guide

If you have doubts about what interim management can do for your charity or non-profit, this guide is a good starting point. Here's all you need to know:

One of your charity's most influential leaders has decided to step down and sail off into the sunset for retirement. Now, you're thinking about hiring an interim manager to take over until you permanently fill the role.

You're not alone, either. Research shows that today's interim management field has been expanding by 20-40% each year and is now valued at more than $3 billion.

Perhaps you still have doubts about what interim management can do for your charity or non-profit. Here's a rundown of everything you need to know about interim management.

Let's dig in!

What Is Interim Management?

An interim manager is an independent executive or board-level leader who provides business solutions for a short period of time. They are generally needed if a current executive has departed or will be temporarily absent.

These managers are usually experienced in several disciplines and sectors.

The solutions that interim managers provide often fall under the following categories:

  • Strategy development

  • Crisis management

  • Business improvement

  • Turnaround/transformation management

  • Change management

The average interim manager assignment is fairly intense. It may last anywhere from 6-12 months, and many assignments end up being extended.

In light of this, interim managers should ideally be overqualified to do the roles they have been tapped to fill. They should have competencies that align with their temporary roles and a proven track record of success.

These types of managers don't require direct management. 

What Interim Management Is Not

It's not uncommon for interim management roles to be mistaken for lower and middle management contract roles. However, lower and middle managers are normally charged with simply "holding down the fort" while a role is vacant. They might provide extra support at busy times or help with projects, but they don’t operate near or at the board level.

On the contrary, an executive-level interim manager has the authority to deliver a specific impactful change or transition. For instance, they might help with running a programme designed to restructure your business, or an interim director of marketing might launch a new product.

Long-Term Focus of Interims

Unlike junior or middle-level contractors, interim managers usually aren't leaders whom companies "try out" before deciding to hire them in permanent positions. That's because they generally don't stick around at the companies they are hired to help.

Interim managers are generally most interested in capitalising on their capabilities and knowledge through shorter-term projects. Their reputation and success depend on their ability to complete assignments successfully, so they are unlikely to transition into permanent roles with the charity.

When Else to Take Advantage of Interim Management

Interim managers don't just help with special projects, business turnarounds, or change management, they can come in handy in several other situations as well.

  • You may want to hire this type of manager if you need specialist skills. That's because interims can bring specific expertise, knowledge, and skills that can fill a gap in your current employees' skills.

  • This type of manager may also be brought in to solve an issue with your charity. For instance, interim executives can help with managing crises and helping charities to respond to unexpected incidents. They may also help to manage and mitigate risk.

  • Interim managers can help your organisation to navigate changing and complex regulatory landscapes. This can be helpful because charities operate in a highly regulated space, so bringing in some external expertise can be really beneficial.

Finally, you could consider hiring an interim leader to implement a process improvement or a specific project.

Benefits of an Excellent Interim Manager

Excellent interim managers have several key characteristics that make them stand out from other kinds of temporary workers. Let's take a look at them here.


For starters, they are highly experienced. Ideally, they should have a more sophisticated skill set than full-time roles would typically demand. Strategy development is one such skill that is often in demand.

This is important because interim managers are sometimes brought in to help charities and other non-profits that are in dire straits. Other leaders might have already attempted to fix these companies' problems but failed. So in this situation, an interim manager might be tasked with solving the organisation’s critical issues.

Interim managers can have a positive impact right away. Because they are so experienced, they don't require much settling-in time. Instead, they can start working right away to help the organisations that hire them.

Interim managers should be focused on achieving the best outcomes possible. These managers are generally paid on a per-day basis, so for this reason, they should always be able to say yes when asked the question: "Did you add value to the organisation today?" 

Strong Network

Another important quality of an interim executive is a solid network.

The networks that the best interims have include more than just past employers. They might also include management consultants and advisors who supported their businesses in years past, or other professionals like bankers and lawyers. These networks can be invaluable for organisations.

Interims who have good networks are likely to possess strong interpersonal communication skills, which can also help them to deliver a specific impactful change or transition for your organisation.

What to Look for When Recruiting an Interim Manager 

Well-Written Curriculum Vitae

Any interim manager should have a strong curriculum vitae, or CV.

The CV should reflect the important skills that the interim can offer you. It should also feature their achievements and show their breadth of experience.

The more assignments they have listed on their CV, the better you can judge the value they can add to your charity.

You might also want to check out a potential interim's LinkedIn page before choosing them:

  • Ideally, the page should be updated and feature a professional photo.

  • In addition, look for the finish date for the prospective interim's most recent assignment.

  • It should include excellent recommendations.

  • Look for niche skills in the skills section that you feel are most relevant to your needs. 

Go-Getter Personality

Interim executives must be highly self-sufficient, proactive, and adaptable. They need to be great at managing people and processes. In addition, they should be masters at building on their skills.

They must also be a team player, but at the same time, these leaders must be able to work autonomously and independently.

These types of managers must furthermore be great at fact-finding. After all, they will likely have to investigate the organisation’s issues to be able to deliver solutions.

The best interims are also comfortable with dealing with lulls between roles and risk - both mentally and financially. After all, interim roles aren’t just stop-gaps between other positions, so interim managers will need to be accustomed to uncertainty throughout their careers.

Benefits of Interim Management for Charities

An interim can take your charity to the next level in multiple ways. Here's a look at the many benefits of hiring an interim executive for your organisation.

Agility and Speed

You can easily hire an interim executive in days instead of months, meaning that an interim leader can easily parachute into your charity, make helpful changes right away, and start work on those urgent outstanding projects.

For organisations that are undergoing transformations but struggle with critical gaps in skills, the speed with which interim managers can be hired is invaluable. With interim managers, these organisations can get back on track more quickly.

Relationship Building

Interim executives are also excellent at relationship building and stakeholder management. They are accustomed to adjusting to various company cultures as well. This will allow them to navigate your charity to make decisions quickly.


Hiring an interim manager gives you the flexibility to get the support you need for just the time period you need it for. Let's say you want to hire somebody to handle a multi-month transformation and nothing more.

With an interim executive, you can receive the support you need during that critical time without having to commit to another employee long term. This also means you don’t have the same considerations around employee tax, pensions, or holidays.

Interims are capable of adapting and flexing to meet any challenges that crop up. You don't have to worry about an interim at your charity becoming overwhelmed.

Innovation Support

Interim managers bring different perspectives to the organisations they work for. You can be confident that the solutions they propose will have the organisation’s best interests at heart, and you may very well find that they propose plans and measures that your team might have otherwise avoided. Their views will also hold gravity among stakeholders.

Strict Accountability

Yet another reason to hire an interim executive is that they have no problem with taking responsibility for the results they deliver.

They won't just advise your charity on what to do or avoid doing. Rather, they will be accountable for driving changes and implementing projects that produce real results. These results can make a major difference in whether your charity achieves its dreams

Long-Lasting Legacy

Many interim managers spend their time coaching and mentoring internal teams to ensure that the organisation can continue to thrive after the interim manager leaves.

Put another way, the ultimate goal of your interim manager is to leave behind transferable skills that will make your charity's internal capabilities stronger, so hiring the right interim manager could have long-lasting effects on your teams and your business.

Boosting Return on Your Investment

Being able to increase your ROI is another benefit of interim management for charities. With the right interim manager in place, you should be able to plug any expertise, skill, and knowledge gaps, helping you to reach your goals, which in turn should benefit the bottom line.

If you are debating whether to hire an interim leader, then keep in mind that the price tag of an interim executive is much lower than the price tag of failing to deliver a much-needed transformation.

Increased Focus

Interim managers are focused on achieving the specific tasks they've been entrusted with at their organisations. As a result, they can quickly drive change and deliver positive results.

Keep in mind that interim managers depend on referrals, recommendations, and solid track records to excel in their careers. For this reason, they are committed and driven to generate desirable outcomes for the organisations they work for.

A New Way of Thinking

Remember that interim managers are independent external resources. This means they can bring a fresh way of thinking to their organisations.

When an interim leader joins your organisation, you don't have to worry about them being influenced by your charity's culture and politics.

Instead, you can trust the leader to address certain challenges neutrally and operate in the best way for your charity. This is invaluable if unpopular and hard decisions must be reached at the organisation.

Interim Managers vs. Management Consultants

So, how exactly are interim managers different from management consultants?

Management consultants and interim managers have similarities when it comes to their skill sets. However, they don’t generally offer the same services:

Offering Guidance

Management consultants usually provide recommendations and guidance. Interim managers do this but then also deliver proposed solutions.

Delivering Services and Results

You may find that management consultants attempt to provide additional services or even extend the lengths of their projects. However, interim managers are more focused on delivering results rapidly and efficiently to generate future referrals.

Focusing on Your Organisation

A management consultant is usually selected for a project according to their availability. They might juggle an organisation's project along with other clients' projects.

Meanwhile, an interim manager at your charity won't go back and forth between you and another client's work. Rather, they will normally concentrate solely on your assignment from start to finish.

Your interim manager will devote their particular skill set, experience, and reputation to your organisation for a time.

Accountability and Control

As we mentioned earlier, interim managers report to their clients directly. They work with their organisations' internal teams to produce the desired results.

However, a management consultant reports to the consultancy they're working for. They use their consultancy's team for support and resources.

Hiring an Interim Manager

So, are you ready to hire a qualified interim manager for your charity? Here are a few tips for hiring the right manager for your charity.

Build Your Business Case

Let's say you realise you need an interim. Perhaps you need one to oversee a transition or change. Or, maybe you need an interim leader to serve as the bridge between two permanent leaders.

Alternatively, you might want to hire an interim manager to get a struggling project on the right track again.

In any of these situations, you'll have to build a robust business case for an interim. This business case should have clear goals and outcomes.

With a strong case, you'll have an easier time getting stakeholders on board. It will also help you to decide on the particular skill set that your organisation requires. 

Pinpoint the Perfect Candidate

Perhaps you need an interim to help you to introduce a new system at your charity. You'll need somebody who has already implemented this type of system at another organisation. Therefore, the right candidate is one who has a proven record of introducing such systems and programmes.

Once you identify your target candidate, you can begin the interim recruiting process.

Recruiting an Interim Manager 

You have a couple of options when it comes to recruiting a temporary executive at your charity.

First, you might want to connect with interim managers via LinkedIn or your own personal network. Alternatively, you can seek the assistance of an interim agency. LinkedIn can certainly be an excellent recruiting resource. However, an interim agency can usually guarantee choice and quality more effectively.

An agency has access to many executives with cross-functional experience. In addition, these executives have been vetted.

The right interim agency will use a consultative and collaborative approach when working with your charity. This means they will share their market knowledge with you.

Then, they'll make appropriate candidate recommendations by matching you with the best candidates for your organisation. This means you should have no problem finding a manager who can meet your unique goals and requirements.

All in all, using a reliable interim agency is usually the most time- and cost-efficient way to secure an interim.

Choose the Right Salary

When picking a salary for your new interim, you might be tempted to use the salary that a similar employee at your organisation receives. Don’t!

Instead, think about how you think the interim can add value. Then, agree on this rate based on this expected added value.

Establish Clear Expectations

After you recruit and hire an interim, be sure to also establish clear expectations for them right away.

These expectations should serve as the foundation of your interim's work statement. They should adhere to this statement in every task they complete.

You should be as realistic as possible when setting specific timescales for your interim manager. An experienced interim will be transparent with you if your proposed timescales aren't achievable.

Your interim should have all of the resources they need to begin work right away after you bring them on board.

Communicate with Your Workers

Your new interim manager will be more likely to achieve your desired goals if they receive support from your employees. For this reason, it's paramount that you share your plans for the new interim with your staff.

Let them know why you hired the interim, and explain to them the outcomes you expect the interim manager to deliver. Make sure that you’re clear about the remit of the role and how they will work together.

Track the Interim's Progress

During your interim manager's assignment, you should meet with them regularly to discuss progress.

Only then can you keep track of your key milestones and whether you're achieving them.

Develop an Interim Exit Plan

When the interim's assignment draws to a close, you'll need a strong exit plan in place. As we mentioned earlier, this will allow the interim to leave behind a strong legacy that your team can continue to build upon.

How We Can Help with Interim Management

Interim management can help companies temporarily fill vacant executive-level, manager, and head-of-department positions at their firms. Interim managers can help organisations through transitions and assist in special projects. In addition, they can provide specialist skills that are currently lacking at certain companies.

At the AAW Group, we take pride in offering top-tier interim management services for charities and other non-profit organisations. As a specialist executive search agency that only works with the charity sector, we’re well-placed to help you to find the right interim manager for your organisation.

Get in touch with us to learn more about our services.

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AAW How To Series Freya Tringham AAW How To Series Freya Tringham

Working With Charity Recruitment Agencies – Streamlining the Process

You've decided to work with a charity recruitment agency, but how do you make the process easier? Here's a guide to working with charity recruitment agencies.

As we continue to explore the top trends in charity recruitment we hope you enjoy these pieces of wisdom from our search team! Do get in touch if you’d like to find out more.

50% of charities have job vacancies they are finding hard to fill. Are you in that 50% statistic? If so, consider hiring the expertise of a recruitment agency.

Doing so gives you the best chance of successfully securing talented staff to fill those vacancies and creating a streamlined recruitment process.

In this blog post, we'll discuss how to work with charity recruitment agencies to ensure the process goes smoothly.

We'll walk you through the steps to find the right agency. You'll learn how to use their services and set up a successful recruitment plan. With the right approach, your organisation can save time and money by outsourcing recruitment. 

Set Expectations and Objectives

The first step is setting expectations when working directly with a recruitment agency. That starts with writing some clear objectives.

Doing so will ensure the agency clearly understands your recruitment goals. This is the best way to get the best possible outcomes.

For these objectives, start by outlining your ideal outcome - one or two sentences should suffice. Make sure you include specifics like a budget, timescales, and any non-negotiables.

Introduce your charity or non-profit so the agency better understands what you are doing. This helps the agency tailor their services for a more streamlined recruitment experience and find the right candidates who are passionate about your mission. 

This information will help the agency to create an efficient and cost-effective hiring approach. It will also prompt the agency to ask pertinent questions if your expectations seem unclear or unachievable.

These objectives should also be practical reference points throughout the process. If personnel change later, everyone is still working towards those same goals.

Establish Clear Communication Channels

A communication plan is a valuable asset in your recruitment process, and you’ll need one in place when working with an agency. 

Setting up a communications plan at the outset when hiring has plenty of advantages:

  • It helps charities to stay organised and strategic with their messages

  • It helps set expectations and ensures that people from both teams know what's happening and when

  • It's more efficient, as communication is kept in one place, and emails and important information won't go astray

A good communications plan is straightforward to put together; you just need to incorporate the following:  

  • Contact points and roles

  • Responsibilities and expectations

  • Outline how often you need communication from the agency and in what format

Chat with the agency about your proposed communications plan. It's helpful for them to understand what you need and check that both sides are happy with the proposal.

If you want the agency to write job ads, you'll also need separate communication and brand guidelines that you can supply to the recruitment agency to ensure that your job ads align with your brand voice.

Have a Feedback Mechanism in Place

A feedback mechanism sounds daunting, but it’s just a matter of having a system in place to give regular constructive feedback on what's going well and what both parties need to improve. 

It’s a way of improving your working relationship with the recruitment agency. 

You'll need a feedback mechanism in place when you start working together, but don't overcomplicate it. A few words outlining how and when to give feedback is enough to get things started.

You might also want to include an escalation path so that you know how to resolve an issue quickly if things go wrong. 

So, what should this feedback cover? It can be anything related to how you and the agency work together. This might include feedback on the recruitment process, the quality of candidates, or communication channels. 

You may find an agency that already has a feedback mechanism in place. In this case, you just need to ensure you understand how that process works - ask questions if anything is unclear. 

Agree on Timescales

Using a recruitment agency to find the best candidates for a charity or non-profit is a great way to save time and money.

Setting timelines with a recruitment agency will help you streamline the process while still helping you connect with the best possible candidates.

You may well wish to set intermediary deadlines throughout the recruitment process. For example, you may want to set a deadline for when the agency submits initial candidate profiles for a job opening.

Then, you might lay out specific timescales for the interview process to help fit around your team's busy schedule. If you wish the agency to submit a final list of candidates, set a hard deadline then, too. 

These deadlines help ensure that you complete the recruitment process on time, which ultimately benefits your organisation. Recruitment takes time and effort; you want to see the benefits fast and fill those empty vacancies.

When setting deadlines, be realistic about dates. You want to allow the recruitment agency enough time to speak to potential candidates. Generous timescales will make you more likely to find the best person for the job. 

Set a Budget

You need to set a budget for your entire recruitment strategy which must include specific costs for any recruitment agency expenses. Doing this will ensure your charity recruitment remains cost-effective and it will help you keep track of expenses.

Beyond the costs of the recruitment agency, the budget should also cover advertising, branding, and other recruitment-related activities. That will ensure you know the overall costs of the entire process.

A reputable recruitment agency will always offer transparency with its pricing to make it easier for you to track and manage your budget. So, if you aren't sure about pricing, ask the agency directly. 

Recruitment is vital to growing and managing a charity, but it must still offer value for money. A budget is the easiest way to ensure that happens. 

Create an Inclusion and Diversity Policy

A written inclusion and diversity policy is valuable when working with a recruitment agency to help you adhere to best practices and hire the most qualified and diverse candidates.

A policy will offer clear guidance on the hiring process. It should start with a summary of the charity, the mission and values, and a statement on how your hiring process is fair, transparent, and objective.

The policy is a commitment to hiring a candidate irrespective of age, sex, disability, ethnicity, or any other protected characteristic.

This policy will help the agency align with your values and priorities, and it will help to set expectations with the recruitment agency.

A diversity strategy is also a great statement to show to prospective employees - it will highlight your positive working culture. Potential candidates will know you are a place that treats people fairly and equally.

You may also want to include other statements in the policy, such as accommodating staff with additional needs (for example, accessibility requirements). 

Agree on an Advertising Strategy

When hiring a recruitment agency, we’d recommend agreeing on an advertising strategy as a thoughtful job ad is the best way to help connect you with the most talented candidates. 

Creating a winning job ad is an art but a helpful trick to master. It makes sense to tap into the expertise of a recruitment agency and discuss this upfront before you begin your recruitment drive.

At a minimum, the job ad should clearly describe the job's roles and responsibilities. It must talk about your charity, including your mission, values, and goals.

You must get advice from your recruitment agency about advertising the salary. Finding the perfect compensation package is crucial when aiming to attract top candidates. 

Don't forget to include all the exciting extras that will make the job more appealing. That might be benefits, bonuses, travel, or some personally rewarding activity they'll do as part of the job.

You'll also need to list the skills and qualifications you want, and here, it pays to be specific. The agency will be able to guide you on that. 

When considering the platforms to advertise on, you should consider social media, job boards, and online professional networks.

LinkedIn is an excellent platform for reaching out to experienced professionals, while Twitter and Instagram can effectively target younger candidates.

Furthermore, you might want to speak to your agency about whether any other avenues might be appropriate i.e. local universities or job centres.

Always discuss with your recruitment agency where to advertise on and offline.

As an example, our brilliant team of search specialists at AAW Group know exactly the right platforms for different roles and organisations and would be able to guide you in the right direction.

Agree on Tech Platforms

Using recruitment technology platforms can be a great way to save time and resources. With these platforms, charities can easily find the most suitable candidates for their organisation.

Standard recruitment technology platforms include tracking systems for job postings, job applications, and job postings.

Additionally, recruitment agencies often offer a range of recruitment software solutions, such as automated resume screening, online candidate assessments, and automated background checks.

When considering which technology platform to use, charities should carefully weigh the pros and cons of each option.

You may wish to consider the following: 

  • What’s the cost?

  • How easy is it to use?

  • Is the platform secure and compliant with data protection and employment laws?

  • How well does the platform integrate with your existing systems and processes, i.e. payroll and onboarding?

  • What’s the user experience for job seekers and recruiters?

Determine Your Priorities for Skills and Experience 

Work with the agency to decide what skills and experience to list with the job. When you do that, separate the nice-to-haves from the mandatory requirements and ensure that's clear in the ad. 

The agency can advise you about the skills and experience listed in similar jobs - which will help you find the most appropriate candidates.

We’d also recommend getting input from a recruitment agency to help streamline this process by creating a standardised job ad instead of writing each new job spec from scratch.

The agency can also help you write your job specs clearly and concisely. A well-written ad will help boost applicant numbers, plus, a good description will help job seekers understand if they have the right qualities before they apply. 

By working together, the charity and the recruitment agency can ensure that the job ad looks fantastic and accurately communicates the skills, experience, and qualifications necessary for the role. This will improve your chances of finding someone for the role quickly and efficiently.

Agree on Selection Criteria 

We’d also recommend talking to your recruitment agency about what selection criteria to use.

Selection criteria assess the applicants and decide who is best suited for the job. It is different from the skills and experience listed in a job ad because it includes the personal qualities and attributes of the applicant. 

It might include knowledge of the sector, interpersonal skills, and problem-solving skills. It should also have intangible qualities such as attitude and enthusiasm. 

Specialist charity recruitment agencies like AAW Group have a lot to offer charities with their selection criteria as they understand what makes a successful employee and they can help you identify the candidates with the most potential.

Our team specialises in the charity sector which means we can help you tailor the selection criteria to your specific needs as a charity. It means that we also really understand the role requirements and we can help you to determine successful applicants’ qualities and attributes, as well as their motivations for working for your organisation.

Lastly, the recruitment agency should also be involved in the assessment process. They can help ensure that the criteria are applied consistently and that the best candidates are identified.

Create a Fair and Transparent Process

Above all else, you want to show prospective employees and the wider world that your hiring process is fair and transparent. Involving a recruitment agency's expertise is a helpful way of developing a strategy fit for the modern world. 

Most importantly, they will create an organised and objective process. When candidates see consistency in a recruitment process, it goes a long way to demonstrate that it's a fair selection system. This will strengthen your organisation's reputation.

Some specific ways you can make a streamlined process fair and transparent include:

  • A standardised system for getting references

  • Having a feedback system for candidates who went through the hiring process

  • Having a fast and open feedback system for unsuccessful candidates

  • Creating and publishing a timeline for candidates

  • Using fair assessment methods such as psychometric testing

  • Having clear and public policies about your hiring and recruitment methods

This is where a recruitment agency can help. They will ensure all this happens correctly, accurately, and on time. Plus, they will manage records to ensure you have complete details of all candidates, whether successful or not.

This will help if someone applies for another job further down the line. It also helps those candidates looking for feedback.

Creating a fair and equitable hiring process with a balanced assessment has two significant benefits.

First, it makes you more likely to find the right person for the job. This means better staffing and improved retention rates.

And secondly, it gives your business a reputation as a sought-after, forward-thinking employer. Suitable candidates will want to apply for a job when the process is straightforward and transparent. 

Create a Post-Recruitment Review Process

You should speak to your recruitment agency about creating a streamlined and effective post-recruitment review process.

This process should include assessing the recruitment agency's performance and the candidate's experience and evaluating the charity's overall recruitment strategy.

The recruitment agency should give the charity a comprehensive report with metrics summarising the effectiveness of the recruitment process.

That should include details such as:

  • Number of applicants

  • The time taken to fill the role

  • Number of interviews conducted

  • Number of offers made

  • Success rate of accepted job offers

Your recruitment agency should also be able to help you survey the candidates to find out about their experience. A questionnaire is an easy starting point and should include questions such as:

  • How they felt about the recruitment process overall

  • Their interactions with the charity

  • Their interactions with the agency

  • Their overall impression of the charity

 You can bring all this data together to help improve your recruitment strategy.

First, identify areas for improvement. Next, speak to the agency for ideas and suggestions - they may be able to spot weak areas and suggest some changes.

If the issue concerns the perception of the charity, talk to your recruitment agency as they should be able to advise you on how to better present yourself to potential candidates.

Don't Forget Your Existing Network

Recruiting the right talent is essential for a charity's success, so it's vital to tap into your existing network of contacts during your recruitment drive.

Using your existing contacts can help streamline the recruitment process and save time. Start by speaking to your direct connections, such as board members, volunteers, donors, and other stakeholders.

Ask them if they know of anyone interested in the role or if they can refer you to any potential candidates. You might find that your contacts may be able to give helpful insights and feedback about prospective candidates. 

Consider attending events related to your sector, such as conferences and seminars, to meet potential candidates. Networking events are another great way to reach new contacts and spread the word about your recruitment drive.

You can also use social media platforms to find and engage with potential candidates.

When using contacts, always work in tandem with your agency. That means directing potential candidates via the formal recruitment process. You can also see if the agency has relevant contacts as well to ensure you get a wide range of potential candidates.

Finally, don't forget to let your contacts know when the recruitment drive is over. This can help build relationships and foster goodwill for the future by avoiding disappointing any potential candidates.  

Creating a Streamlined and Productive Hiring Process

As you can see, working with charity recruitment agencies is an excellent choice for organisations looking to outsource their recruitment process. Hopefully, these tips will help to ensure your hiring is smooth and seamless. 

Recruitment agencies can be invaluable partners in the hiring process and none more so than a recruitment agency like AAW Group who are experts in the sector and really understand the type of candidate you need and their motivation for working for your organisation.

Why not head here to learn more about what we do and how we can help you?

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AAW How To Series Freya Tringham AAW How To Series Freya Tringham

Understanding the Benefits of Hiring an Interim Chief Financial Officer

As we continue to explore the top trends in charity recruitment, we hope you enjoy these pieces of wisdom from our search team! Do get in touch if you’d like to find out more.

The recruitment process can take a long time, so if you need an CFO asap, hiring an interim chief financial officer is a smart move. Check out this guide for charities.

Of course, you don't have time to wait for a permanent hire. You need someone who can step in quickly and get up-to-speed on your organisation's financials. Someone with the knowledge and experience you need.

Hiring an interim chief financial officer is a great solution that allows you to benefit from the expertise of a seasoned professional without having to go through a lengthy recruitment process.

Keep reading because this guide will provide you with all you need to know about hiring an interim chief financial officer.

What Is an Interim Chief Financial Officer (CFO)?

An interim chief financial officer (CFO) is an experienced professional who provides temporary financial leadership to a company or organisation. The CFO works hand-in-hand with the executive management team. They can:

  • set financial goals and objectives

  • provide guidance on budgeting and forecasting

  • streamline all financial processes to maximise efficiency

  • assist in developing strategic plans and reports

  • analyse operational data

  • manage cash flow

  • implement new systems and controls

  • any other financial-related tasks

Benefits of Hiring an Interim Chief Financial Officer

Now we have a better understanding of what a CFO does, let’s look at some benefits of hiring one for your charity.

Time Savings

The recruitment process for a top-notch CFO can take months. That's time you and your company may not have.

Fortunately, there is a quicker solution. An interim CFO can provide your team with immediate financial expertise.

With their wealth of experience, an interim chief financial officer can hit the ground running. This saves you time and money. It allows you to focus on what matters.

Cost Efficient

Not only is hiring an interim CFO a quick solution, but it can also be cost-efficient. You can hire them for a specific project or task. Then you only pay for the services provided during the agreed period.

This means you can reduce the overhead costs of hiring a full-time employee. This includes benefits and training expenses. With an interim CFO, you can rest easy knowing your financial needs are taken care of without breaking the bank.

Experienced Professionals

Interim Chief Financial Officers bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the table. They have honed this experience through years of working with a variety of organisations and financial models. This makes them valuable partners and a very worthwhile investment!

Bringing an Objective Perspective

When it comes to making important decisions for a charity, having an objective perspective can make all the difference. That's where an interim CFO comes in.

Full-time staff members may have emotional attachments to the organisation. An interim CFO can provide an unbiased view of top-level decision-making.

They’re able to offer a fresh perspective and bring new ideas to the table that may not have been considered before. This level of objectivity can help ensure that you’re making the best decisions for your charity.

Increased Accounting Efficiency

As your business grows, so does the complexity of its financial accounting needs. Increased accounting efficiency not only saves time and resources but also helps companies remain competitive. 

That's where an interim chief financial officer can step in. They bring their expertise to the table to identify inefficiencies. They can create new processes to streamline tasks.

Working alongside staff, they can eliminate manual tasks and duplicate data entry. They can also automate workflows where possible.

With improved accounting efficiency, you can focus on growing the core operations of your organisation as you know that your financials are in good hands.

Risk Management

Managing risk is crucial to maintaining the sustainability of any organisation. It is especially vital for charities. Fortunately, an interim CFO can be a valuable partner. They can help charities identify potential areas of financial risk and then implement strategies to reduce those risks.

With their expertise, an interim CFO can advise on best practices for protecting the assets of a charity from any possible fraud or mismanagement. By developing a strong risk management plan, charities can inspire confidence and maintain the trust of their stakeholders—vital for ensuring long-term success.

Improved Budgeting

Budgeting is key for any organisation, and for charities that rely heavily on their resources, it’s especially important. Improved budgeting can help organisations to achieve their objectives faster and more efficiently. 

An interim chief financial officer can play a vital role in promoting better budgeting practices as they have the experience to understand the intricacies of the budgeting process. By contributing to this process they can help charitable organisations to develop better spending plans, allowing them to allocate resources effectively and ultimately make more of an impact.

Improved Cash Flow Management

One of the best ways to improve cash flow is to seek the guidance of an experienced CFO, who through effective cash flow management can help you identify potential bottlenecks and inefficiencies in your cash flow system.

By optimising your cash flow, you can ensure that your organisation has enough resources to cover your expenses and invest in growth opportunities. This is without resorting to expensive loans or depleting your savings. With the right cash flow strategy in place, you can unlock new opportunities and achieve sustainable financial success.

Strategies for Growth

As businesses navigate the ever-changing market, they need to have a solid growth strategy in place. This is where an interim chief financial officer comes in handy. With their knowledge of financial management, they’re the perfect partner to help you chart a course towards sustainable growth.

By assessing the financial situation and identifying growth opportunities, a CFO can help businesses make informed decisions. They can implement effective strategies that lead to long-term success. So, if you want to take your organisation to the next level, consider working with an interim CFO to develop a solid growth plan.

Compliance With Regulations

Charities operate in a highly regulated space, supervised by the Charity Commission. They have strict and specific reporting requirements and can be put under intense public and media scrutiny.

Navigating this complex landscape is often overwhelming. Having a CFO who possesses extensive knowledge of the requirements and regulations in place is key.

Compliance with regulations can prevent the charity from facing the loss of reputation, legal penalties, fines, and even closure. Therefore, charities must take regulations seriously and employ individuals who have the necessary expertise to ensure adherence

Improved Collaboration With External Partners

In today’s interconnected world, collaboration is key. That's why many CFOs are now investing in technology platforms. These can strengthen their relationships with external partners such as:

  • vendors

  • banks

  • other third-party partners

By sharing data, insights, and resources, interim CFOs can boost productivity and drive collaboration across their organisations. With improved communication and alignment, organisations can better navigate the intricate financial landscape. This can drive cost savings and allow the organisation to make more of an impact. Investing in improved collaboration with external partners is becoming essential for organisations.

Advice on Mergers

Mergers can be risky business, especially for charities. However, with the right guidance and support, they can also present exciting opportunities for growth and development. This is where a CFO comes in.

By working closely with your charity, an interim chief financial officer can provide valuable advice on the financial implications of a merger or acquisition. They can help you assess the risks and rewards and ensure that you make informed decisions. Decisions that are in the best interests of your organisation.

So, if you're considering a merger, don't go it alone. Enlist the expertise of an interim chief financial officer to give your charity the best possible chance of success.

Access to Expertise From Multiple Sectors

When it comes to making important decisions, having access to expertise from multiple sectors can be a game-changer. An interim chief financial officer, with their breadth of experience, can offer unique insight into different fields. They bring new perspectives to the table.

This can lead to more comprehensive decision-making processes and better outcomes overall. By tapping into their wealth of knowledge, an interim CFO can identify potential blind spots. They can provide innovative solutions to complex problems.

With access to expertise from multiple sectors, an experienced CFO can help organisations navigate the ever-changing landscape of business. This will help you stay ahead of the curve.

What Makes a Successful Interim CFO?

Now you know the benefits of hiring an interim finance director. It’s also important to understand what makes an interim chief financial officer successful in this role. Here are some qualities to look for:

Excellent Analytical Skills

A good CFO needs to be able to find solutions to problems and pay attention to the details. They will be presented with a great deal of data and will need to be able to analyse it effectively. 

They will also be presented with difficult financial issues in their role and they will need to be able to come up with solutions to make the organisation better.

Business Acumen

Having a business understanding is crucial for any successful CFO. In this role, it is essential to have a deep understanding of financial planning and strategy. It is necessary to be able to think critically about how different business decisions may impact the charity in the long term.

A good CFO will also know the rules and trends of the industry, so they can make sure the charity stays stable and still retains its mission.

In short, a successful interim CFO will have strong business acumen and wants to make a meaningful impact on their organisation's growth and success.

Leadership Ability

Having the ability to lead is what sets exceptional CFOs apart. A successful leader must possess a combination of cognitive and behavioural skills, and be able to inspire others to achieve a common goal. For an interim CFO, having leadership ability is essential to ensure that the team is performing at its best in a short time period. 

A good leader can make the team work well together. They will help everyone feel special and motivate them to do their best. Leaders can also help the team be more productive, efficient, and successful.


Adaptability is one of the most essential traits of an interim chief financial officer. The ability to adapt to the demands of the job and the environment is crucial, and it is what sets successful CFOs apart from the rest. The industry is dynamic and constantly changing, and regulations can change rapidly.

An interim CFO who can adapt and respond to these changes is far more likely to succeed. They will be able to think on their feet and come up with innovative solutions to problems. An interim CFO’s adaptability,  being nimble, flexible, and proactive, is a key driver of success in finance roles.

Technical Knowledge

In almost every job you need to know a lot about technology, but it’s crucial for those working in finance. Those in the finance department must be able to use many different types of software and tools, and it is key that CFOs understand technology, computers and tools that help with money.

Interim CFOs must be able to manipulate financial data, generate reports, and analyse trends, and a good interim CFO will continue to acquire and maintain technical knowledge that's evolving throughout their career to remain relevant in their field.

Communication Skills

Effective communication skills are crucial for any individual, but they play an even greater role in the world of finance and are an essential tool in any interim executive’s kit. A good CFO will be able to communicate complex financial concepts and reports using words people understand.

It is essential that charity board members and other team members who may not have a financial background can understand the information that is being conveyed. 

Problem-Solving Capability

Money people in an organisation need to be good at solving problems. They need to use their imagination and come up with ideas for how to fix any issues. That is important for keeping money safe and making more money.

An individual with this skill can identify potential problems before they escalate and develop a plan to address them. Whether streamlining financial processes or finding ways to cut costs without sacrificing quality, a person with problem-solving capability can help an organisation achieve its financial goals.

Ultimately, this skill is highly sought-after and valued by finance professionals in charities.

Result Oriented

Being results-oriented is a key characteristic of a successful interim CFO. This means that the interim CFO should focus on achieving measurable results and tangible outcomes.

To achieve this, the interim CFO should have a clear understanding of the organisation's strategic goals so that they can develop a financial strategy that aligns with those goals.

Clear financial targets should be set and action plans developed to achieve those targets. Progress towards financial targets should be monitored and measured, and teams held accountable for delivering on those targets.

The interim CFO should communicate financial results and progress towards targets to the executive team, the board of directors, and other stakeholders, and provide insights and recommendations based on those results.

By being results-oriented, the interim CFO can help to drive financial performance and achieve the company's strategic goals. This is crucial for ensuring that the finance function is contributing to the overall success of the organisation.

Working With an Interim Chief Financial Officer: What You Need to Know

When working with an interim chief financial officer, there are a few things you should keep in mind. They include:

Specify the Length of Time

When seeking an interim chief financial officer for your charity, it is important to provide clarity on the length of their tenure. Doing so not only sets expectations among your team but also helps manage your finances, knowing the cost of employing the CFO for the period of their employment.  

Whether you need the CFO for a few months or a year, being specific with the length of time will also ensure a smooth transition and successful partnership. It is worth noting that interim chief financial officers are often brought on board to fill gaps during times of change, crisis, or transition.

Therefore, having a clear timeline in place will empower your charity to flourish while also meeting its financial goals.

Set Clear Goals

Setting clear goals is important for achieving success. Whether it's for personal development or professional growth, having a clear vision of what you want to achieve helps you stay focused and motivated. The same goes for the interim CFO—to ensure they are successful, it's essential to give them a clear understanding of what's expected of them and the goals they need to work towards.

This will allow them to develop a plan of action and work towards measurable outcomes, increasing their effectiveness in their role. By setting clear goals, you can ensure that everyone is working towards the same vision, which is crucial for achieving success in any area of life.

Regular Communication

Keeping your CFO updated about any changes that happen in your organisation means that they can stay on top of their work.

When it comes to securing funding, it is important to stay active and make sure you have the most recent information. Talk with people often. Work together so everyone can reach the same goal.

So, make sure to check in with your interim finance director, and maintain a collaborative approach to ensure your organisation thrives.

Provide Resources

In order to make a charity successful, you need resources at your disposal. While passionate individuals working together are a great start, they require more than enthusiasm to succeed, they also need the right tools and resources.

This is true when it comes to working with interim CFOs, who require a certain level of support to carry out their work. This might mean providing access to financial tools or hiring additional staff members to help support their efforts.

By ensuring that your team has the resources they need to do their job, you’ll be setting them up for success.

Monitor Progress

Regularly checking in on progress is crucial for any job to be done, especially when it comes to assessing the performance of a CFO. That's why it's important to ask questions and measure progress to ensure the CFO is meeting their goals.

As the CFO executes their responsibilities, reviewing progress enables you to identify areas requiring improvement, adjust planning, and celebrate successes. With regular progress monitoring, you can remain up-to-date without becoming overwhelmed, and the CFO can acquire useful feedback to make their job even more powerful.

Hire an Interim CFO Today

Hopefully you can see that an interim chief financial officer can be a vital resource to help charities manage their finances. Interim CFOs have the knowledge and skills to manage financial operations and can help to creatively solve problems. In complex situations like mergers they're particularly invaluable.

If your organisation is looking for an interim chief financial officer, then why not contact the AAW Group? As a specialist executive search agency working directly with the charity sector, we’re always keen to help—get in touch today

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AAW How To Series Jo Hastie AAW How To Series Jo Hastie

Identifying and Keeping up With the Top Trends in Charity Recruitment

Will charities and not-for-profit organisations continue to encounter challenges with hiring people? Understanding the trends in charity recruitment can help.

This is the first in the AAW ‘How To’ series. Over the next few months, we explore many themes around recruitment. We hope that you enjoy these pieces of wisdom from our search team! Do get in touch if you’d like to find out more.

There is some good news if you're job hunting this year.

Recruitment and retention scored highly on a survey conducted recently amongst HR staff on their challenges and priorities. If you have the talent to offer, businesses will go out of their way to attract you. 

Charities across the UK are one such sector looking to stay ahead of the curve. They need top talent on their teams. To recruit the best, charities' recruitment strategies have evolved. 

Current recruitment practices might surprise you if you haven't searched for a job recently. Charities have adopted many new recruitment tactics. That includes cutting-edge tech, flexible working, and social media, to name a few. 

This blog post will look at some top trends in UK charity recruitment and what that means for job seekers. We'll share tips and advice on how to use the latest recruitment trends to your advantage. Read on to discover how to secure that dream job. 

A Demand for Digital Skills

The UK charity sector is seeing an increasing demand for digital and technical skills in jobs.

That reflects the growing importance of technology in helping charities reach wider audiences. It can increase their impact and reduce the time and resources needed to deliver services.

Examples of digital and technical skills most in demand for jobs in the charity sector include:

  • Data analysis

  • Web development

  • Digital marketing

  • Website management

  • Customer relationship management

  • Software engineering

Data analysis is an essential skill for any job in the charity sector, as it helps charities make informed decisions based on data and evidence.

Web development is also necessary, as it allows charities to create compelling websites and online services.

Digital marketing skills are essential for charities to reach wider audiences. Customer relationship management helps charities provide better customer support.

Finally, charities need software engineering to create custom systems to collect and manage data.

Even when applying for a non-technical job, always ensure you are up to scratch with the latest systems and applications. Show that you're willing to learn about new tools and software.

To win that dream job in the charity sector, you must always be willing to invest in improving your skills. That could mean an evening class, an online course, or professional qualifications.

But with some technical know-how, you'll stand out from the rest of the competition when submitting your CV.

More Flexible Working

We all know that flexibility helps employees to balance their commitments with their professional lives, and flexible working practices are a growing trend in the UK. The charity sector is part of that charge.

Whilst there is a growing expectation for more senior staff to return to the office full-time, UK charities recognise the need for a more flexible approach to work.

Adopting flexible working practises in the charity sector is a positive step forward - employees value their chance to achieve a work-life balance, for example, working around school hours. 

From an employer's perspective, flexible work can improve staff retention and productivity.

Make sure you look out for job postings that indicate they offer flexibility. 

Many job search platforms and recruiters will help you filter your search criteria. That way, you can concentrate on the charity sector jobs that match your personal and professional requirements.

An Increase in Remote Working

Remote work is a growing trend in the UK, accelerated by the pandemic and the associated lockdowns.

Before the pandemic, the UK charity sector had already introduced remote working practices. The pandemic pushed this trend further. More than ever, it's easy to find ads for charity sector jobs advertised as remote.

Remote working offers many benefits. It provides more flexibility and autonomy, reduced commuting, and for organisations, the potential to save money on office space.

It also allows employees to work from anywhere, which is especially valuable for charities. It means they can access a wider pool of talent and expertise.

Employees in the UK charity sector can expect to see more advertised job roles offering remote work.

To seek a job in the UK charity sector offering remote work, you should first speak to a recruitment team like ours to see what opportunities there are.

When applying for a job role offering remote working, make sure you tailor your CV and cover letter accordingly. 

Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion are of critical importance in the UK charity sector.

Charities want their recruitment processes to be fair and transparent. That way, they will have teams of people with different backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences.

That brings added value to any business or charity. Diverse teams often lead to a more creative and productive working environment. It's also the right thing to do, meaning charities can access the broadest possible talent. 

When a charity commits to diversity and inclusion, it serves its broader purpose. It means they can understand what their community needs from their organisation. 

UK charities must focus on creating a safe and welcoming workplace for everyone. That starts with a fair recruitment process inclusive of race, sex, age, disability, or sexual orientation.

It's reassuring for candidates when they see an inclusive job ad. It means you know that the recruiter will judge you on your merits. 

It's easy to see why this makes the sector more attractive. Rewarding and fulfilling careers await in organisations where equality prevails, and your talent can thrive.


Recruiters in the UK charity sector increasingly rely on technology for recruitment. It helps recruiters streamline the hiring process and find the most qualified candidates.

Automation in recruitment and hiring includes things such as CV scanning tools to search for specific keywords.

If you're looking for a job, that's good news. It means a quicker turnaround between your application and finding out if you've reached the next stage. 

But this technology means job seekers have to make changes to adapt. For example, you must be mindful of how you write your CV and cover letter.

If there are specific requests in the job ad, ensure those keywords are in your application to ensure you pass that first round. Tailor your CV to the particular role for which you're applying. Don't use a generic one. 

Using technology in recruitment has created a more transparent system for recruiters and applicants. For example, an online application system might provide instant feedback if you don't get the job. 

As technology continues to increase and evolve, job seekers must be proactive in staying up-to-date with recruitment trends. Understanding the technology recruiters use will help you develop the best job application.

More Streamlined Recruitment Practises

In the past decade, the UK charity sector has seen a major shift in recruitment processes. Improved practises have made finding and hiring employees more streamlined.

The most notable development has been the shift to online recruitment platforms. These platforms help employers add postings quickly and reach more potential candidates. And for job seekers, it gives you a better choice of opportunities. 

Online applicant systems can manage and track the recruitment process more effectively. That includes onboarding (for example, getting you to sign an NDA or watch a safety video) once an employer hires you.

Nowadays, it's also more likely senior staff will be involved in the early recruitment process, too. That could mean informal Facetime calls with senior managers rather than waiting until later for a formal interview.

Using online assessments to check capabilities and knowledge also helps speed up recruitment. 

Overall, the UK charity sector has seen a significant shift in how it recruits employees. These advances have made the recruitment process quicker and more manageable. It makes it more likely you'll find the perfect job match - and quickly. 

Skills-Based Hiring

Skills-based hiring is a recruitment strategy focusing on a job candidate's skills and abilities instead of experience. In the UK charity sector, skills-based recruitment is an exciting trend.

That shift to skills emphasises the individual's capacity to learn and adapt rather than their experience.

Employers focus on finding candidates with potential who can apply their skill set to the demands of a job. It's perfect if you believe you have the aptitude to excel in a career but lack years of experience. 

With skills-based hiring, recruiters can find the best possible people. It helps to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace. That's because recruiters don't limit themselves to a smaller and more exclusive pool of experienced candidates.

Social Media

The UK charity sector is beginning to embrace social media as part of its recruitment drive.

Most people living in the UK now have access to social media platforms. So it has become an important and effective way to search, apply, and network for jobs in the sector.

Candidates can use social media to search for job opportunities. They can connect with potential employers, follow organisations and search for job news.

They can monitor their favourite charities and see when they're hiring. They can also join online networking groups on places like Facebook or use hashtags on Twitter to search for specific roles.

Social media also makes it easier to apply for roles. Candidates can send their CVs and cover letters to the hiring organisation via social media.

It's also great for networking. For example, a candidate could connect with a recruiter via LinkedIn. That is a great way to start a conversation with the right people. And networking could land you a job before it's even formally advertised!

You can also join online groups and forums outside social media. It's a chance to discuss job opportunities and network with other professionals.

It's a proactive way to find that perfect job and could unearth some exciting roles that you may not have considered before. 

Employee Engagement and Retention

Considering employee engagement and retention is becoming increasingly important for recruitment in the UK charity sector.

Charities face ever-increasing costs in their organisation. And so they need to cut recruitment and training expenses. That means making specific job roles as attractive as possible. It's how they reduce churn and improve retention rates.

One way they might do that is to create a positive and meaningful employee experience. It helps staff feel valued and engaged in their work.

This can take the form of initiatives. That might include offering professional qualifications, training, and team-building activities. It could also include financial and non-financial bonuses (such as a generous holiday package).

Charities also want to create a happy and positive working environment. That means being open and supportive. You'll find job openings for organisations that welcome ideas and creativity from everyone on their team.

As well as making this a more rewarding career, it will help you feel more secure in your job.

Always read the entire job description when applying for a role. It provides valuable clues about the company culture and whether it fits your long-term career goals.  

Online Video Interviews

Online video interviews are becoming popular in the UK voluntary sector.

This shift is driven by the rising cost of traditional recruitment processes, the need to hire quickly, the convenience of remote interviewing, and the desire to promote greater diversity in the workforce.

Video interviews offer several advantages to charities. They enable them to review prospective employees quickly, access a wider talent pool, and reduce costs by eliminating the need for travel and scheduling costs.

The key to succeeding in a video interview is to prepare. Research the charity in advance, dress appropriately, and be aware of body language and other non-verbal cues.

Practice in advance to be familiar with the technology. And make sure the interview space is well-lit and free of distractions.

Check your background, and if the camera faces the door, lock it for the duration of the interview. Make a great impression, be professional and confident, and speak clearly.

Make sure to listen carefully and prepare thoughtful questions. It's also important to remain positive and show enthusiasm for the job and charity.

Data-Driven Decisions

The UK charity sector is following in the footsteps of private companies. Specifically, it's starting to use data and analytics in its recruitment process.

For example, a charity might test the response rate of a job ad to see what sort of package and job title gets the best response. With advanced technology, most of that can happen with a click of a button so recruiters can track information in real time.

It offers the chance to tweak an ad if things aren't going great with the recruitment drive - perhaps promoting it on a different job board or changing the job category, for example. 

Data and analytics help charities to make more informed decisions, allowing them to hire the best candidates for their roles.

They can analyse the effectiveness of recruitment campaigns and measure candidate quality. Plus, data helps identify trends or problems in their recruitment process.

Data and analytics can also help charities to improve their employer brand. That makes them more attractive to potential candidates.

Charities can tailor their recruitment process by better understanding who is applying for roles and why. It's a great way to target suitable candidates while ensuring they meet their diversity targets.

Data and analytics can also help charities improve their onboarding process and ensure they fully support new hires. They can also help charities identify gaps in their recruitment process, allowing them to improve.

Virtual Recruitment Events

Virtual recruitment events are quickly becoming popular due to the pandemic. These events are held online in an open space but usually require signup before you can join.

They are an excellent way for employers to attract new talent, connect with potential job seekers and discuss job opportunities. It also allows them to gain a better understanding of the skills and experiences of potential employees.

The UK charity sector has been using more virtual recruitment events. They use it to reach out to potential job seekers who may not have access to traditional recruitment processes.

If you are interested in finding and joining virtual recruitment events for the UK charity sector, search job websites for details and you can also learn about events via social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

Finally, it is essential to prepare for virtual recruitment events.

Always research the employers beforehand. Additionally, practice your communication skills, and check you have updated your CV. By doing so, you can be sure to make a strong impression on recruiters.

Employer Branding

Employer branding is increasingly essential for charities that want to attract top talent.

It's not just about the salary but also about the culture, the staff's experience, the organisation's values and mission, and what working for them offers.

Corporate companies focus on creating a positive brand identity to attract the right people. That's true for UK charities, too. They realise the importance of branding when running recruitment campaigns to attract the best and brightest.

Good branding includes things like communicating their values and mission. It could also involve highlighting the impact of their work and showcasing the benefits of working for them.

For larger organizations, you may see a dedicated branding design for a large recruitment drive.

The benefit to you is that you'll probably find this comes with a dedicated website or landing page that will tell you lots about the job roles on offer and the benefits. 

Watch out for this branding when applying for jobs in the charity sector. It will also give you lots of valuable information about their culture and values. That will help you decide whether they're a good fit for you. 

A Focus on Apprenticeships and Internships

Nowadays, you'll find more job ads for apprenticeships and internships in the UK charity sector.

These roles offer a unique opportunity for those seeking to enter the sector. They are also helpful for charity organisations looking for a cost-effective and efficient way of training existing and new employees.

Internships in the UK charity sector are typically offered in administration, finance, marketing and fundraising, IT and digital, HR, events management, and project management.

They usually involve short-term, unpaid placements. And they are an excellent way for individuals to gain experience in the sector.

Apprenticeships can range from entry-level to more advanced roles. A latter example might be a management apprenticeship.

Those seeking an apprenticeship or internship in the UK charity sector should research the industry first. Get familiar with the typical roles offered. Apply for positions you find interesting and those that match your skill set.

In addition, draw attention to any relevant experience or qualifications. Plus, demonstrate commitment to the charity sector.

It is also important to network and build relationships with organisations and individuals in the sector. Finally, apply for roles early and monitor job boards regularly for new opportunities.

Getting to Grips with Charity Recruitment to Find Your Dream Job

UK charity recruitment constantly changes, and you must stay informed to remain competitive.

Keeping up with trends, such as digital marketing and social media, as well as emerging job roles and skills, is especially important.

With the right approach, you can take advantage of these trends and use them to their advantage. Doing so will give you the best chance of securing that dream role. 

I hope you’ve enjoyed the first of the new AAW How-To series. 

As a specialist executive search agency that only works with the charity sector, we are always keen to hear from new candidates. Please do get in touch to chat more about how we can help you with your professional journey. 

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